Chirpstack-concentratord doesn't get past Initializing


We’ve got a problem with the GatewayOS. We use a IC-880A concentrator board. The reset pin is connected to pin 13 on the concentrator and pin 22 on the raspberry pi.

In the configuration settings we choose this board and pin 22.

Now when executing a $ sudo monit summary

We get this result:
chirpstack-concentratord │ Initializing

The other processes have an OK.

From the logs we read:
Jun 29 08:34:37 raspberrypi3 user.err monit[471]: ‘chirpstack-concentratord’ process is not running
Jun 29 08:34:37 raspberrypi3 monit[471]: ‘chirpstack-concentratord’ trying to restart
Jun 29 08:34:37 raspberrypi3 monit[471]: ‘chirpstack-concentratord’ start: ‘/etc/init.d/chirpstack-concentratord start’
Jun 29 08:34:38 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-concentratord-sx1301[853]: Starting Concentratord SX1301 (version: 3.0.0-test.9, docs:
Jun 29 08:34:38 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-concentratord-sx1301[853]: Setting spi device path, spidev_path: /dev/spidev0.0
Jun 29 08:34:38 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-concentratord-sx1301[853]: Setting board configuration, lorawan_public: true, clock_source: 1
Jun 29 08:34:38 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-concentratord-sx1301[853]: Setting up concentrator radios
Jun 29 08:34:38 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-concentratord-sx1301[853]: Configuring radio, radio: 0, enabled: true, center_freq: 867500000, type: SX1257
Jun 29 08:34:38 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-concentratord-sx1301[853]: Configuring radio, radio: 1, enabled: true, center_freq: 868500000, type: SX1257
Jun 29 08:34:38 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-concentratord-sx1301[853]: Setting up concentrator channels
Jun 29 08:34:38 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-concentratord-sx1301[853]: Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 0, enabled: true, freq: 868100000, rf_chain: 1, if_freq: -400000
Jun 29 08:34:38 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-concentratord-sx1301[853]: Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 1, enabled: true, freq: 868300000, rf_chain: 1, if_freq: -200000
Jun 29 08:34:38 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-concentratord-sx1301[853]: Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 2, enabled: true, freq: 868500000, rf_chain: 1, if_freq: 0
Jun 29 08:34:38 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-concentratord-sx1301[853]: Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 3, enabled: true, freq: 867100000, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: -400000
Jun 29 08:34:38 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-concentratord-sx1301[853]: Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 4, enabled: true, freq: 867300000, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: -200000
Jun 29 08:34:38 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-concentratord-sx1301[853]: Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 5, enabled: true, freq: 867500000, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: 0
Jun 29 08:34:38 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-concentratord-sx1301[853]: Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 6, enabled: true, freq: 867700000, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: 200000
Jun 29 08:34:38 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-concentratord-sx1301[853]: Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 7, enabled: true, freq: 867900000, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: 400000
Jun 29 08:34:38 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-concentratord-sx1301[853]: Configuring Std LoRa channel, enabled: true, freq: 868300000, rf_chain: 1, if_freq: -200000
Jun 29 08:34:38 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-concentratord-sx1301[853]: Configuring FSK channel, enabled: true, freq: 868800000, rf_chain: 1, if_freq: 300000
Jun 29 08:34:38 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-concentratord-sx1301[853]: Starting the the concentrator
Jun 29 08:34:40 raspberrypi3 user.err chirpstack-gateway-bridge[378]: time=“2020-06-29T08:34:40Z” level=error msg=“backend/concentratord: event socket dial error” error="dial event api url error: zmq4: could not dial to “ipc:///tmp/concentratord_event”: dial unix /tmp/co
Jun 29 08:34:43 raspberrypi3 user.err chirpstack-gateway-bridge[378]: time=“2020-06-29T08:34:43Z” level=error msg=“backend/concentratord: event socket dial error” error="dial event api url error: zmq4: could not dial to “ipc:///tmp/concentratord_event”: dial unix /tmp/co
Jun 29 08:34:47 raspberrypi3 user.err chirpstack-gateway-bridge[378]: time=“2020-06-29T08:34:47Z” level=error msg=“backend/concentratord: event socket dial error” error="dial event api url error: zmq4: could not dial to “ipc:///tmp/concentratord_event”: dial unix /tmp/co
Jun 29 08:34:50 raspberrypi3 user.err chirpstack-gateway-bridge[378]: time=“2020-06-29T08:34:50Z” level=error msg=“backend/concentratord: event socket dial error” error="dial event api url error: zmq4: could not dial to “ipc:///tmp/concentratord_event”: dial unix /tmp/co
Jun 29 08:34:54 raspberrypi3 user.err chirpstack-gateway-bridge[378]: time=“2020-06-29T08:34:54Z” level=error msg=“backend/concentratord: event socket dial error” error="dial event api url error: zmq4: could not dial to “ipc:///tmp/concentratord_event”: dial unix /tmp/co
Jun 29 08:34:57 raspberrypi3 user.err chirpstack-gateway-bridge[378]: time=“2020-06-29T08:34:57Z” level=error msg=“backend/concentratord: event socket dial error” error="dial event api url error: zmq4: could not dial to “ipc:///tmp/concentratord_event”: dial unix /tmp/co
Jun 29 08:35:01 raspberrypi3 user.err chirpstack-gateway-bridge[378]: time=“2020-06-29T08:35:01Z” level=error msg=“backend/concentratord: event socket dial error” error="dial event api url error: zmq4: could not dial to “ipc:///tmp/concentratord_event”: dial unix /tmp/co

In which we read that the radio is configured correctly but something else is going on.

Could anybody please help find out what’s happening here? We once had the gateway OS running on this exact pi. We had a problem like this and then it was the reset pin.

But I ran the wires a couple of times and the reset wire IS connected to pin 22.

Thanks in advance,

Bump. Still desperately looking for a solution.

Please note that the Raspberry Pi PIN numbers are not equal to the GPIO numbers. Have you confirmed this?

I can confirm that both pin 25 as pin 22 do not get me past the Initializing state. I don’t know what is going wrong.

@wrengelink Can you give a bit more details about your wiring? Are you manually wiring the IC-880A to the Pi or are you using some connector board? I previously had problems with some connector boards, that’s why I’m asking :slight_smile:

I have the IMST Lite gateway which has a convertor board. This works for me with the pre-defined settings in gateway-config command. However, some people reported there were issues.

Now it seems there are different hardware revisions of the convertor board used in the IMST Lite gateway which might be the source why it works for some but fails for others. These users have reported success with other packet-forwarder setup scripts. This is still a mystery to me…

Something that will be included in the next Concentratord version is that it will handle the reset for you (for boards with a known reset pin config, this will work out of the box, for some other boards it will be possible to configure this by hand, like for the iC880A). Where currently is being used, the upcoming Concentratord version will use the cdev GPIO interface instead of the sysfs interface. Maybe this is going to make a difference? (the sysfs gpio interface is going to be deprecated in Linux

I have the IMST Lite gateway which has a convertor board. This works for me with the pre-defined settings in gateway-config command. However, some people reported there were issues.

@brocaar That’s exactly the issue I had. I found that convertor boards V6 from IMST works out of the box while V1.4 has issues that I couldn’t solve. For my next IMST Light gateway purchase I asked the shop specifically for a V6 convertor board in order to avoid the issue.

P.S: Maybe I should have made it clear, my question in my previous reply was directed at @wrengelink. I edited it for clarity :slight_smile:

I rewired everything, reinstalled Gateway OS and now it’s showing a OK!

Many thanks to the help here. I don’t know exactly what the problem was but now it’s working.

Same problem here. For me, it worked the moment I added a wire from iC880a Pin 12 to Raspi 3b+ Pin 9. Taken from here