Hi everyone,
I’ve been working on a tool that I think many of you will find helpful if you’re dealing with bulk provisioning of devices and gateways in ChirpStack.
It’s in the early stages so there are issues and bugs to work out. But I threw this flask app together to assist with some functions i found useful such as:
- Bulk Upload: Easily provision devices & gateways via CSV.
- Tenant & Application Auto-Discovery: Automatically load tenants, applications, and device profiles to populate fields for provisioning.
- Device & Gateway Management: Add and delete devices/gateways manually.
- Fully containerized for easy deployment.
docker pull ghcr.io/dstencil/chirpstack-deployment-assistant:latest
If anyone would like to contribute to the project or make suggestions it would be greatly appreciated.
Realistically I would like to see bulk gateway and device provisioning from a .csv inside of Chirpstack but I have not taken the time to look at its code to see what that would entail.