Chirpstack-FUOTA-server configuration

Hi everyone,

For my project at the university, i’ll try to setup an FUOTA enviroment.

I have a RAK831-Rapberry Pi gateway running the Gateway OS base on IP
Then I have an Ubunut 20 host machine with static IP running docker.

I have successfully installed the normal Chirpstack network server and applications server (Quickstart Docker Compose - ChirpStack open-source LoRaWAN<sup>®</sup> Network Server). I was also able to connect the gateway and receive data from a node.

Now I wanted to install the chirpstack-fuota-server in parallel to finally divide nodes into a multicast group and send data with the fragmented data block transfer protocol.

I have done all the steps described in the README.

The docker-container ruinning are:

If I now start the chirpstack-fuota-server following error occurs:

bash-5.1# chirpstack-fuota-server 
INFO[0000] starting ChirpStack FUOTA Server              version=
INFO[0000] storage: connecting to PostgreSQL database   
WARN[0000] storage: ping PostgreSQL database error, will retry in 2s  error="dial tcp connect: connection refused"
WARN[0002] storage: ping PostgreSQL database error, will retry in 2s  error="dial tcp connect: connection refused"
WARN[0004] storage: ping PostgreSQL database error, will retry in 2s  error="dial tcp connect: connection refused"
WARN[0006] storage: ping PostgreSQL database error, will retry in 2s  error="dial tcp connect: connection refused"
WARN[0008] storage: ping PostgreSQL database error, will retry in 2s  error="dial tcp connect: connection refused"
WARN[0010] storage: ping PostgreSQL database error, will retry in 2s  error="dial tcp connect: connection refused"
WARN[0012] storage: ping PostgreSQL database error, will retry in 2s  error="dial tcp connect: connection refused"
WARN[0014] storage: ping PostgreSQL database error, will retry in 2s  error="dial tcp connect: connection refused"
WARN[0016] storage: ping PostgreSQL database error, will retry in 2s  error="dial tcp connect: connection refused"
WARN[0018] storage: ping PostgreSQL database error, will retry in 2s  error="dial tcp connect: connection refused"
WARN[0020] storage: ping PostgreSQL database error, will retry in 2s  error="dial tcp connect: connection refused"
WARN[0022] storage: ping PostgreSQL database error, will retry in 2s  error="dial tcp connect: connection refused"
WARN[0024] storage: ping PostgreSQL database error, will retry in 2s  error="dial tcp connect: connection refused"
WARN[0026] storage: ping PostgreSQL database error, will retry in 2s  error="dial tcp connect: connection refused"

Does anyone have an idea how to run the normal chirpstack-network-server in parallel with the chirpstack-fuota-server and using the same gateway and application server?

Big thanks

Hi Corsin,

Any update/breakthrough in your attemt to run chirpstack’s Network-Appilcation Servers in parallel? If so, do share your inferences Corsion.

The FUOTA server tries to connect to PostgreSQL on but this connection is refused because there is no PostgreSQL instance running at this address (or it is refusing the connections).

I was having the same issue until I exited the bash and ran the generated binary from the chirpstack-fuota-server directory like ./build/chirpstack-fuota-server -c packaging/files/chirpstack-fuota-server.toml. I think the issue is that running it in the docker doesn’t have the postgresql running in it.

The steps on how to run this are NOT as clear as the people on here keep saying they are especially if you are a embedded engineer with little server experience…