Chirpstack-gateway-bridge v.3.4.1

can i use chirpstack-gateway-bridge v.3.4.1 on my LoRa Gateway if LNS/LAS are chirpstack-network-server v. 3.16.5 and chripstack-application-server v. 3.17.8 ?

If no could you please provide which release of chirpstack-gateway-bridge i have to use ? v.3.14.7 (GitHub - chirpstack/chirpstack-gateway-bridge at v3.14.7) ?

Thanks in advance

What would be the reason to install an old ChirpStack Gateway Bridge version on your gateway, instead of the latest version?

what do you mean for the latest , 3.14.7 or 4 ?

Anyway the reason is related to the fact that at the moment i’ve found only a 3.4.1 version for my OpenWrt LoRa GW (udp packet forwarder/ LoRa Basic Station).
This 3.4.1 version is coming from because no ChirpStack software is currently provided by OpenWrt master repo.
I know it would be right to use the latest version but i would have to port.
Do you have some suggestion ?

Which brand / model gateway are you using?

My own, based on Microchip sama5d31 ARM Cortex-A5 host processor and Semtech corecell sx1302/03 ref. design. Openwrt 19.07 as Linux Embedded OS where i can use UDP Packet Forwarder 4.0.1 or LoRa Basic Station 2.0.6.

In that case, you could update the Makefile to use the latest v3 version (as you are using ChirpStack v3) and compile a new .ipk package for your gateway.

Thanks a lot
Best Regards