ChirpStack Gateway invalid protocol


We have a Multitech Conduit as a packet forwarder to the gateway. We need to send the gateway GPS and fine timestamp to ChirpStack.

When the packet reaches the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge we get the following error:

Mar 12 14:21:49 callisto chirpstack-gateway-bridge[897]: time=“2020-03-12T14:21:49Z” level=error msg=“backend/semtechudp: could not handle packet” addr=“” data_base64=MDA4MDAwMDBBMDAwMjQzOSRHTkdHQSwxNDIxNDIuMDAsMjU0My45NzcyMixTLDAyODE1LjA2NzQxLEUsMiwxMiwwLjY0LDEzMjQuNixNLDIxLjcsTSwsMDAwMCo2OA0KMDA4MDAwMDBBMDAwMjQzOSRHTkdHQSwxNDIxNDMuMDAsMjU0My45NzcyMixTLDAyODE1LjA2NzQwLEUsMiwxMiwwLjY0LDEzMjQuNixNLDIxLjcsTSwsMDAwMCo2OA0K error=“gateway: invalid protocol version”

Decodes Base64:

Anybody have an idea hoe to fix this.

Thank you

@SilverMecer, What packet forwarder does Multitech Conduit uses?
Assuming that you have configured to use semtech_udp as a backend, thsiissue arises because when gateway bridge receives any of their type packets, there is a field called protocol version that can accept either version 1 or 2. Double check that on your gateway side, that field comply with what gateway bridge requires.

Thank you I will check both sides