I am experimenting with ChirpStack Gateway OS mesh and want to try it with RPI Zero.
I got the image from here Raspberry Pi Zero W image (base image).
All works fine, I can login the Luci GUI and configure all the parameters, except of the Gateway Mesh tab, where I see below error. As I understand it is more related with OpenWRT part rather than Chirpstack.
Anyone having same problem?
I have several RPI Zeros laying around so I thought it would be a good idea to utilize them as relay Gateway hosts instead of RPI CM4
Note this happens on Base image only, Full image is ok (but I prefer not to have Chirpstack server on the Gateway itself)
Does your system have the ubus?
Try this, if not:
$ git clone git://git.openwrt.org/project/ubus.git
$ cd ubus
$ mkdir build
$ cmake …
$ make
$ sudo make install
Lear more OpenWRT UBUS - HackMD
thanks for the hints @LouneCode. I’m bit slow on responses.
Yes let me check and feedback
I think I might have found the problem. I was looking at the Chirpstack Gateway OS repo, and noticed a difference between the bcm2708 and bcm2709 makefiles.
In the .config for the bcm2709, you’ll see that:
but in the .config for bcm2708, it’s:
# CONFIG_PACKAGE_chirpstack-gateway-mesh is not set
Does anyone know if this is a conscious decision for some compatibility reason to do with really old raspberry pis? Or is this just an omission that no one’s encountered yet?