ChirpStack Gateway OS with RAK 2287 fails

I tried to install ChirpStack Gateway OS on an MNTD gateway with an RK2287 concentrator which was not successful.

I have multiple observations:

  1. When I have a clean micro SD card I can set up chirpstackOS and make concentratord running. I tried different browsers and clean cookies, but no change
  2. As soon as I start configuring gateway mesh, concentratord fails to run and drops into a restart loop.
  3. When I flash a new image over an existing image:
    • the password I set is not replaced with default. I have to use the previous set password.
    • A factory reset seems to solve this. however,
    • the concentratord will stay in a restart loop.

Currently, when I set the concentratord to run with an SX1302 and with an RAK2287 as well as the udp forwarder it drops into a restart loop where the concentrator never starts. The message below in the screen stays at Gateway ID: Could not read Gateway ID. reboot does not help.

I can only set up chirpstackOS on a new micro SD card. I have not come to the point where I can start configuring gateway mesh.

The original software for the MNTD hotspot is working fine so the hardware works.

Does anyone have the same observations or suggestions on where to look for to solve this?

sounds like a similar issue i had a few weeks back with setting up udp forwarder container (i setup my own docker stack with a packet forwarder, gwmp-mux and gateway-rs etc using standard raspbian image)… i had to drop back from bookworm to bullseye to get it to recognise the concentrator reset pin otherwise it would work first boot then not after a container or device restart, super weird. I wonder if this is a similar issue with latest openwrt here as well.

I have a RAK7248 gateway with RAK2287 shield and cannot upgrade my ChirpStack OS 4.2.0 for Pi 4B to 4.5.4. I created a backup of my 4.2.0 configuration and uploaded and flashed the 4.5.4 upgrade image, but when I inserted the SD card with the 4.5.4 upgrade, the RAK7248 wouldn’t boot.
Subsequently, I tried downloading and installing the Full 4.5.4 image for Pi 4B, but again when I inserted the SD card with the 4.5.4 Full image, the RAK7248 wouldn’t boot.
I successfully reverted to ChirpStack 4.2.0 with a backup image I created months ago, but it appears I’m stuck at 4.2.0 for now.
Any suggestions?

I do not have a MNTD gateway and I do not have any experience with it. Is it equal to a RAK development gateway based on Raspberry Pi 3 / 4?

An upgrade of my RAK7248 Gateway with RAK2287 shield from ChirpStack OS 4.2.0 to 4.5.5 initially appeared to succeed with I reviewed the Wrt LuCI Status-Overview (attached). However, when I tried to connect to ChirpStack, none of my web browsers, Safari and Firefox, were unable to connect (attached). When I reviewed the Wrt LuCI log files, I noticed that PostgresSQL had a FATAL error: data directory “/srv/postgresql/data” has wrong ownership" and “localhost:5432 - no response”(see tail, attached). Is this an error in the system upgrade process?

I changed the PostgresSQL owner from “root” to “postgres” for the file /srv/postgresql/data and also changed the permission to u=rwx. When I tried to start PostgresSQL manually with the command “pg_ctl -D /srv/postgresql/data start -U postgres”, I got the following error:
waiting for server to start…2024-10-26 20:46:55.462 UTC [5664] FATAL: could not open directory “pg_notify”: No such file or directory
2024-10-26 20:46:55.466 UTC [5664] LOG: database system is shut down
stopped waiting
pg_ctl: could not start server

The MNTD gateways use Raspberry PI4 and have a secure element on the shield that holds the concentrator board.

Could you try the following:

chown -R postgres:postgres /srv/postgresql
sudo -u postgres mkdir -p /srv/postgresql/data/pg_notify
sudo -u postgres mkdir -p /srv/postgresql/data/pg_tblspc
sudo -u postgres mkdir -p /srv/postgresql/data/pg_replslot
sudo -u postgres mkdir -p /srv/postgresql/data/pg_twophase
sudo -u postgres mkdir -p /srv/postgresql/data/pg_snapshots
sudo -u postgres mkdir -p /srv/postgresql/data/pg_logical/snapshots
sudo -u postgres mkdir -p /srv/postgresql/data/pg_logical/mappings
sudo -u postgres mkdir -p /srv/postgresql/data/pg_commit_ts

After this and confirming all works, please upgrade to v4.6.0. Please see Changelog - ChirpStack open-source LoRaWAN® Network Server documentation for instructions. Version v4.6.0 migrates the data to SQLite, which makes handling the updates a lot easier. For some reasons, when upgrading OpenWrt does not retain the original user:group and in some cases PostgreSQL is complaining about certain missing directories.

Thanks @brocaar I’m traveling for 2 weeks and will try your recommendations when I return.

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