Chirpstack integration with influxdb v2

Hi, I am trying to configure an chirpstack application integration with influxdb v2. I specify the:

Version: influxDB v2
API endpoint: http://localhost:8060/api/v2/write
Organisation: example-influxdb-organisation
Bucket: example-influxdb-bucket
Token: all-access-influxdb-token

The application profile paylink is decoded

I am not seeing any tags or incoming data in InfluxDB
What I am missing?
Do I need to set up a scraper in InfluxDB to complete the integration?

Hi, I’m a novice and battling similarly. I had it working (measurements into influx) on a different PC but when using docker container for chirpstack and one for influx db I get the error Connection refused, perhaps post the error msg from chirpstack log. No harm in having a general scraper for your Bucket to rule that out.

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