ChirpStack MQTT Forwarder and ChirpStack Concentrator with uci in ChirpStack Gateway OS


I need to configure the ChirpStack MQTT Forwarder and ChirpStack Concentrator in an advanced way in ChirpStack Gateway OS.

I understand the uci configuration allows to generate the configuration files when the init.d chirpstack services in openWrt are restarted.

The uci configuration can be modified from the LuCI web interface or via the uci cli.

However the configuration files of the ChirpStack MQTT Forwarder and ChirpStack Concentrator applications do not seem to be fully implemented with the uci configuration system.

For example the commands and metadata of the ChirpStack MQTT Forwarder do not seem to be implemented.

datetime=["date", "-R"]


And, the gateway_id configuration for the concentrator only works with the semtech sx1301 chips.

config sx1302
	option gateway_id '0000000000000000'

Is this planned, or can I contribute to implement it, at least for the uci cli.

I started working on the subject on my side.

Is there any uci documentation for chirpstack services or does everything go through the interface?

Thanks in advance if you have more info.

Contributions are welcome :slight_smile:

Is there any uci documentation for chirpstack services or does everything go through the interface?

There is no documentation, about this, but I’m using the OpenWrt utilities for this. For the MQTT Forwarder you can find the implementation here:

For the Concentratord:


Perfect, thanks for the answer.

I made two Pull Requests.

This one implements the custom gateway_id for sx1302 chipsets

And this one adds the management of commands, metadata.

All this from the uci cli only

All merged thanks you

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