Chirpstack network server 16 channel gateway

can chirpstack network server manage 16 channels LoRa gateways ? i mean a GW LoRa with two corecell sx1302/03 concentrator boards configured with the same channel plan, one board configured for RX only and the other board configured in TX only. For a GW software point of view i imagine two udp packet forwarder (one for each concetrator board) and one chirpstack-gateway-bridge (if he can manage two semtech_udp backend on different udp ports).

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i mean a GW LoRa with two corecell sx1302/03 concentrator boards configured with the same channel plan,

As a single SX1301/2/3 supports 8 channels (multi-SF), this would give you still 8 channels instead of 16.

I would suggest:

  • SX1302/3 1 - Packet-forwarder configured with channels 0 - 7
  • SX1302/3 2 - Packet-forwarder configured with channels 8-15

Then you could use a single ChirpStack Gateway Bridge. Add two gateways to ChirpStack and configure ChirpStack with 16 channels.

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Hi, thanks for reply and suggestions.

You say “Then you could use a single ChirpStack Gateway Bridge. Add two gateways to ChirpStack and configure ChirpStack with 16 channels.”

So, are the two udp packet forwarder managed by a single ChirpStack Gateway Bridge using two udp port for each udp packet forarder ?

Do you mean add two gateway on ChirpStack network server and configure ChirpStack Network Server with 16 channels or do you refer to ChirpStack Gateway Bridge ?
If yes, this means that on LNS side two gateway are configured, each one manage his 8 channels ?

ChirpStack Network Server does not control the gateway channels (in this case), this is in your case done by the Semtech UDP Packet Forwarder configurations.

For the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge, it would be the same as you were connecting two gateways to it. As would it be for the ChirpStack Network Server.

As ChirpStack Network Server will be configured to configure your devices for 16 channels, 50% of the uplinks will be received by the first concentrator board / gateway, 50% by the other board / gateway.

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i mean … what i really woluld like to do is a sx1302/03 corecell full-duplex 16 channels EU 868 GW using two corecell board, ChirpStack Gateway Bridge and ChirpStack Network Server. The reason is to receive uplink while the downlink is being transmitted (one of my customer that use ChirpStack Network Server require this)

Did you ever heard this ?

trying to imagine:
the first corecell board only for RX uplink and the second corecell board only for TX downlink, in this way uplink can be received also during downlink. In this case the ack downlink for a confirmed uplink coming from packet forwarder 1 should be sent via packet forwarder 2 (TX board) but i think that not ChirpStack Gateway Bridge nor ChirpStack Network Server can manage this sort of situation. I think that Chirpstack send downlink message for certain end-device via the gateway (GwEUI) where did the uplink message of this end-device come from… I’m wrong ?
Thanks again

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I’m not sure if this is possible.

Please note that both SX1302/3 have their own internal clock / timestamp that will run independently and start running on powering these concentrator modules (e.g. it is just a counter, not synced with the system-time). Receiving through concentrator 1 and sending through 2 will therefore not work unless you manage to sync these clocks / timestamps. E.g. for Class-A the received uplink is timestamped by concentrator 1, then ChirpStack tells the gateway that it should send the downlink at timestamp + 1 second.

If you want to try to implement this, then I suggest you implement this at the HAL level and implement your own packet-forwarder which abstracts both SX1302/3s as a single GatewayID.

i mean … what i really woluld like to do is a sx1302/03 corecell full-duplex 16 channels

As well, I’m not sure if this is possible. Each concentrator can receive 8 channels, thus if one is sending, you will have only 8 channels left for the receiving concentrator module.