Chirpstack server install on Windows with windows binaries

HI everyone,
I am able to run the whole chirpstack solution on Unix and Redhat however, a particular client is not allwoing to use a unix based OS. So, i am forced to use the chirpstack precomiled windows binaries. and am running into issues.
for example, after i installed the exe through cmd, it gives errors about db authentication.

  • Has anyone ever been able to setup the whole shirptatck solution on Windows using the windows binarie… Docker is not an option either…

  • If yes on the above, can someone pointme to a documentation if there is one.

I would really appreciate your advice.


Please note that for ChirpStack v4 there aren’t any Windows binaries available, so I assume that you are referring to ChirpStack v3.

after i installed the exe through cmd, it gives errors about db authentication.

Then it indicates that the binary works fine, but you should update the database credentials, no?