I’ve tried searching but haven’t found an answer.
In the older versions of ChirpStack, when looking at devices or gateways, there was as column where it told you “# seconds/minutes/hours/days”. That appears to have been replaced by the Last Seen that shows a timestamp.
Now a time stamp is wonderful and very helpful–but is there a way to get the time since last activity back as well? Being able to scroll through dozens of devices and quickly see things are/aren’t checking in within the normal range is very helpful and the current time stamp slows that down significantly as I have to verify and check a few different pieces of each time stamp.
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true that!
I do miss that feature. I often go back and forth between sensors data.
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For the gateways, an online / offline column was added, based on the expected stats interval. I think something the same for devices would also solve your issue. Personally, I prefer to see a full timestamp, since comparing it against logs for example makes it harder when it says “1 minute ago”.
Yah, I also love the “1 minute ago”.
However, the timestamp is ok
Totally agree that timestamp is great however from the UX aspect : “time since last seen” gives little edge imo.
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