Chirpstack using Docker

how to install chirpstack using Docker please ?


have you seen

It contains the informationt that you are looking for. That’s the first option to play with. As you feel more familiar with the ecosystem, then you can start tweaking parameters and so on.

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thak you very much but when i run docker-compose up
i have a probleme with db postgresql
how can i fix thix issue please?

Is this problem solved?
I have the same issue when using the chirpstack docker.
So when running the “docker-compose up”, I encountered the following log and I can not access the application server web page via 8080 port.
What I am wrong?

ping PostgreSQL database error, will retry in 2s" error=“dial tcp: lookup postgresql on no such host”

Good to show output of

sudo pg_lsclusters

Also, I see in the log - maybe you have an extra 1 on end?