Chirpstack v4 and prometheus

Hello everyone,

I have installed Chirpstack v4, Chirpstack Simulator, and Prometheus in order to monitor Chirpstack Simulator in some use cases.

I would like to know if Prometheus provides metrics about memory usage, network bandwidth, or CPU usage, in order to collect them into a database.

As I realize, go_metrics doesn’t have metrics for chirpstack. Is that correct?

Best regards,
Karampelia Ioanna

Correct, in v3 the Prometheus metrics exposed a lot of the Go runtime metrics. In case of v4 this is not the case (as all source is Rust, which does not have a runtime).

Hi brocaar and thank you very much for your reply,

As a matter of fact, I use the chirpstack-simulator GitHub - brocaar/chirpstack-simulator: Simulator utility for the ChirpStack open-source LoRaWAN Network-Server. which is compatible only with v4 of the chirpstack.

Can you recommend another simulator that is compatible with v3 in order to collect these prometheus metrics during simulations that scale the network (e.g., an increase in the number of end devices)?

Thank you very much in advance,

I’ve had no issues using it with v3 in the past. You could roll back the commit log by two commits to get the v3 version:

Might also be worth tagging, @brocaar.

Hello bconway,

Thanks for your reply.
@brocaar What is your opinion about that?

Please see: GitHub - brocaar/chirpstack-simulator at v3 :slight_smile:

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