Chirpstack v4 MQTT send Downlink message

I tried to publish a topic directly to MQTT:

Topic: application/0c1b9515-ee54-403c-85e6-36475c43545c/device/ff0000000000aaff/event/down

Why did my terminal ff0000000000aaff not receive this message

Duplicates don’t help. Just add more details to the original post.

Likely wrong payload format.

Thanks for your answer!

I already know what the problem is. Did I post the wrong topic via MQTT

Error: application / 0 c1b9515 - ee54 c43545c e6-403 - c - 85-36475 / device/ff0000000000aaff/event/down

Right: application / 0 c1b9515 - ee54 c43545c e6-403 - c - 85-36475 / device/ff0000000000aaff/command/down

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