Communication problems - globalsat lt100

Hi Guys!

We are facing some incomum issue using this globalsat lt100 device. Once we activate the ADR FLAG the communication flow goes like that:

  1. JoinRequest
  2. JoinAccept
  3. UnconfirmedDataUp
  4. UnconfirmedDataDown

But after that the device does not transmits anymore. This only happens when we set ADR=TRUE from the device side.

Here we have Json files:

Any Thoughts?

We are using AUS BAND with the last eight channel to communicate (56-63).

@brocaar could you please take a look and bring any suggestion?

If the device stops transmitting, then it might be a problem with the device. I can’t reproduce the issue as I don’t have this device to test with.

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Did you make sure the gateway can listen on these channels?

Yes, we are working on the AUS frequency. This issue only happens once the ADR is enabled.


If the device is not at fault, I would guess that the problem is that the gateway’s channel configuration is not the same as Loraserver’s gateway configuration. Make sure that loraserver is aware that the channels being used are 56-63.