And here is the network-server.toml:
# Log level
# debug=5, info=4, warning=3, error=2, fatal=1, panic=0
# Log to syslog.
# When set to true, log messages are being written to syslog.
# gRPC default resolver scheme.
# Set this to "dns" for enabling dns round-robin load balancing.
# PostgreSQL settings.
# Please note that PostgreSQL 9.5+ is required.
# PostgreSQL dsn (e.g.: postgres://user:password@hostname/database?sslmode=disable).
# Besides using an URL (e.g. 'postgres://user:password@hostname/database?sslmode=disable')
# it is also possible to use the following format:
# 'user=chirpstack_ns dbname=chirpstack_ns sslmode=disable'.
# The following connection parameters are supported:
# * dbname - The name of the database to connect to
# * user - The user to sign in as
# * password - The user's password
# * host - The host to connect to. Values that start with / are for unix domain sockets. (default is localhost)
# * port - The port to bind to. (default is 5432)
# * sslmode - Whether or not to use SSL (default is require, this is not the default for libpq)
# * fallback_application_name - An application_name to fall back to if one isn't provided.
# * connect_timeout - Maximum wait for connection, in seconds. Zero or not specified means wait indefinitely.
# * sslcert - Cert file location. The file must contain PEM encoded data.
# * sslkey - Key file location. The file must contain PEM encoded data.
# * sslrootcert - The location of the root certificate file. The file must contain PEM encoded data.
# Valid values for sslmode are:
# * disable - No SSL
# * require - Always SSL (skip verification)
# * verify-ca - Always SSL (verify that the certificate presented by the server was signed by a trusted CA)
# * verify-full - Always SSL (verify that the certification presented by the server was signed by a trusted CA and the server host name matches the one in the certificate)
# Automatically apply database migrations.
# It is possible to apply the database-migrations by hand
# (see
# or let ChirpStack Application Server migrate to the latest state automatically, by using
# this setting. Make sure that you always make a backup when upgrading ChirpStack
# Application Server and / or applying migrations.
# Max open connections.
# This sets the max. number of open connections that are allowed in the
# PostgreSQL connection pool (0 = unlimited).
# Max idle connections.
# This sets the max. number of idle connections in the PostgreSQL connection
# pool (0 = no idle connections are retained).
# Redis settings
# Please note that Redis 2.6.0+ is required.
# Server address or addresses.
# Set multiple addresses when connecting to a cluster.
# Password.
# Set the password when connecting to Redis requires password authentication.
# Database index.
# By default, this can be a number between 0-15.
# Redis Cluster.
# Set this to true when the provided URLs are pointing to a Redis Cluster
# instance.
# Master name.
# Set the master name when the provided URLs are pointing to a Redis Sentinel
# instance.
# Connection pool size.
# Default (when set to 0) is 10 connections per every CPU.
# TLS enabled.
# Note: this will enable TLS, but it will not validate the certificate
# used by the server.
# Key prefix.
# A key prefix can be used to avoid key collisions when multiple regions
# are using the same Redis database and it is not possible to separate
# keys by database index (e.g. when using Redis Cluster, which does not
# support multiple databases).
# Network-server settings.
# Network identifier (NetID, 3 bytes) encoded as HEX (e.g. 010203)
# Time to wait for uplink de-duplication.
# This is the time that ChirpStack Network Server will wait for other gateways to receive
# the same uplink frame. Valid units are 'ms' or 's'.
# Please note that this value has influence on the uplink / downlink
# roundtrip time. Setting this value too high means ChirpStack Network Server will be
# unable to respond to the device within its receive-window.
# Device session expiration.
# The TTL value defines the time after which a device-session expires
# after no activity. Valid units are 'ms', 's', 'm', 'h'. Note that these
# values can be combined, e.g. '24h30m15s'.
# Get downlink data delay.
# This is the time that ChirpStack Network Server waits between forwarding data to the
# application-server and reading data from the queue. A higher value
# means that the application-server has more time to schedule a downlink
# queue item which can be processed within the same uplink / downlink
# transaction.
# Please note that this value has influence on the uplink / downlink
# roundtrip time. Setting this value too high means ChirpStack Network Server will be
# unable to respond to the device within its receive-window.
# LoRaWAN regional band configuration.
# Note that you might want to consult the LoRaWAN Regional Parameters
# specification for valid values that apply to your region.
# See:
# LoRaWAN band to use.
# Valid values are:
# * AS923
# * AU915
# * CN470
# * CN779
# * EU433
# * EU868
# * IN865
# * KR920
# * RU864
# * US915
# Enforce 400ms dwell time.
# Some regions require the configuration of the dwell time, which will
# limit the time-on-air to 400ms. Please refer to the LoRaWAN Regional
# Parameters specification for more information.
# When configured and required in the configured region, ChirpStack Network Server will
# use the TxParamSetup mac-command to communicate this to the devices.
# Uplink max. EIRP.
# This defines the maximum allowed device EIRP which must be configured
# for some regions. Please refer the LoRaWAN Regional Parameters specification
# for more information. Set this to -1 to use the default value for this
# region.
# When required in the configured region, ChirpStack Network Server will use the
# TxParamSetup mac-command to communicate this to the devices.
# For regions where the TxParamSetup mac-command is not implemented, this
# setting is ignored.
# Enforce repeater compatibility.
# Most band configurations define the max payload size for both an optional
# repeater encapsulation layer as for setups where a repeater will never
# be used. The latter case increases the max payload size for some data-rates.
# In case a repeater might used, set this flag to true.
# LoRaWAN network related settings.
# Installation margin (dB) used by the ADR engine.
# A higher number means that the network-server will keep more margin,
# resulting in a lower data-rate but decreasing the chance that the
# device gets disconnected because it is unable to reach one of the
# surrounded gateways.
# RX window (Class-A).
# Set this to:
# 0: RX1 / RX2
# 1: RX1 only
# 2: RX2 only
# Class A RX1 delay
# 0=1sec, 1=1sec, ... 15=15sec. A higher value means ChirpStack Network Server has more
# time to respond to the device as the delay between the uplink and the
# first receive-window will be increased.
# RX1 data-rate offset
# Please consult the LoRaWAN Regional Parameters specification for valid
# options of the configured
# RX2 data-rate
# When set to -1, the default RX2 data-rate will be used for the configured
# LoRaWAN band.
# Please consult the LoRaWAN Regional Parameters specification for valid
# options of the configured
# RX2 frequency
# When set to -1, the default RX2 frequency will be used.
# Please consult the LoRaWAN Regional Parameters specification for valid
# options of the configured
# Prefer RX2 on RX1 data-rate less than.
# Prefer RX2 over RX1 based on the RX1 data-rate. When the RX1 data-rate
# is smaller than the configured value, then the Network Server will
# first try to schedule the downlink for RX2, failing that (e.g. the gateway
# has already a payload scheduled at the RX2 timing) it will try RX1.
# Prefer RX2 on link budget.
# When the link-budget is better for RX2 than for RX1, the Network Server will first
# try to schedule the downlink in RX2, failing that it will try RX1.
# Prefer gateways for downlink with given uplink (SNR) margin.
# When receiving an uplink (by multiple gateways), the Network Server will
# prefer the gateways that have at least the configured margin for the uplink
# SNR when sending a downlink. Margin:
# uplink SNR - required SNR for spreading factor
# * In case multiple gateways match, the Network Server will select a random
# gateway from the match.
# * In case non of the gateways have the desired margin or the uplink
# modulation was not LoRa, then the gateway with the best SNR (or RSSI
# in case of FSK) will be selected when sending a downlink.
# Downlink TX Power (dBm)
# When set to -1, the downlink TX Power from the configured band will
# be used.
# Please consult the LoRaWAN Regional Parameters and local regulations
# for valid and legal options. Note that the configured TX Power must be
# supported by your gateway(s).
# Disable mac-commands
# When set to true, ChirpStack Network Server will not handle and / or schedule any
# mac-commands. However, it is still possible for an external controller
# to handle and / or schedule mac-commands. This is intended for testing
# only.
# Disable ADR
# When set, this globally disables ADR.
# Max mac-command error count.
# When a mac-command is nACKed for more than the configured value, then the
# ChirpStack Network Server will stop sending this mac-command to the device.
# This setting prevents that the Network Server will keep sending mac-commands
# on every downlink in case of a malfunctioning device.
# Enable only a given sub-set of channels
# Use this when ony a sub-set of the by default enabled channels are being
# used. For example when only using the first 8 channels of the US band.
# Note: when left blank, all channels will be enabled.
# For the US band, there are 64 125kHz channels (0-63) with 8 500kHz
# channels (65-71) with frequencies in the middle of each
# sub-band of 125kHz channels.
# Most US LoRa gateways recieve on only one sub-band which consists of
# 8 125kHz channels and 1 500 kHz channel
# Example: (sub-band 1)
# enabled_uplink_channels=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 64]
# Exmaple: (sub-band 2)
# enabled_uplink_channels=[8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 65]
enabled_uplink_channels=[8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
# ADR plugins.
# By default, the 'default' ADR algorithm is available. The number of available
# ADR algorithms can be extended through plugins. This setting can be configured
# to a list of one or multiple plugins.
# Class B settings
# Ping-slot data-rate.
# Ping-slot frequency (Hz)
# Set this to 0 to use the default frequency plan for the configured region
# (which could be frequency hopping).
# Rejoin-request settings
# When enabled, ChirpStack Network Server will request the device to send a rejoin-request
# every time when one of the 2 conditions below is met (frame count or time).
# Request device to periodically send rejoin-requests
# The device must send a rejoin-request type 0 at least every 2^(max_count_n + 4)
# uplink messages. Valid values are 0 to 15.
# The device must send a rejoin-request type 0 at least every 2^(max_time_n + 10)
# seconds. Valid values are 0 to 15.
# 0 = roughly 17 minutes
# 15 = about 1 year
# Scheduler settings
# These settings affect the multicast, Class-B and Class-C downlink queue
# scheduler.
# Scheduler interval
# The interval in which the downlink scheduler for multicast, Class-B and
# Class-C runs.
# Class-C settings.
# Downlink lock duration
# Contains the duration to lock the downlink Class-C transmissions
# after a preceeding downlink tx (per device).
# Multicast gateway delay.
# In case of a multi-gateway multicast downlink, this delay will added to
# the transmission time of each downlink to avoid collisions between overlapping
# gateways.
# Network-server API
# This is the network-server API that is used by ChirpStack Application Server or other
# custom components interacting with ChirpStack Network Server.
# ip:port to bind the api server
# ca certificate used by the api server (optional)
# tls certificate used by the api server (optional)
# tls key used by the api server (optional)
# Gateway settings.
# CA certificate and key file (optional).
# When setting the CA certificate and key file options, ChirpStack Network Server
# will generate client certificates which can be used by the gateway for
# authentication and authorization. The Common Name of the certificate will
# be set to the Gateway ID.
# Certificate lifetime.
# This defines how long (after generating) the certificate remains valid.
# Force gateways as private.
# This overrides the behavior of the gws_private flag in the service-profile
# when this setting is set to true. When set to true, the gateway and device
# must be under the same service-profile (thus a gateway-profile must be
# assigned to the gateway).
# Backend defines the gateway backend settings.
# The gateway backend handles the communication with the gateway(s) part of
# the LoRaWAN network.
# Backend
# This defines the backend to use for the communication with the gateways.
# Use the section name of one of the following gateway backends.
# Valid options are:
# * mqtt
# * amqp
# * gcp_pub_sub
# * azure_iot_hub
# Multi-downlink feature flag.
# This controls the new multi downlink feature, in which the Chirpstack
# Network Server will send the downlink parameters for all possible
# receive windows to the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge, avoiding an additional
# roundtrip in case of a retry (e.g second receive window).
# Valid options are:
# * hybrid (default)
# * multi_only (will become the default in next major release)
# * legacy
# hybrid: Will send a downlink command in both the new (multi) format
# as the old format to the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge. Use this when
# not all ChirpStack Gateway Bridge instances are v3.9+.
# multi_only: Will send a downlink command only in the new (multi) format.
# This will not work with ChirpStack Gateway Bridge versions less than v3.9.
# legacy: Will send a downlink command only in the old format.
# MQTT gateway backend settings.
# This is the backend communicating with the LoRa gateways over a MQTT broker.
# MQTT topic templates for the different MQTT topics.
# The meaning of these topics are documented at:
# The default values match the default expected configuration of the
# ChirpStack Gateway Bridge MQTT backend. Therefore only change these values when
# absolutely needed.
# Event topic template.
# Command topic template.
# Use:
# * "{{ .GatewayID }}" as an substitution for the LoRa gateway ID
# * "{{ .CommandType }}" as an substitution for the command type
command_topic_template="gateway/{{ .GatewayID }}/command/{{ .CommandType }}"
# MQTT server (e.g. scheme://host:port where scheme is tcp, ssl or ws)
# Connect with the given username (optional)
# Connect with the given password (optional)
# Maximum interval that will be waited between reconnection attempts when connection is lost.
# Valid units are 'ms', 's', 'm', 'h'. Note that these values can be combined, e.g. '24h30m15s'.
# Quality of service level
# 0: at most once
# 1: at least once
# 2: exactly once
# Note: an increase of this value will decrease the performance.
# For more information:
# Clean session
# Set the "clean session" flag in the connect message when this client
# connects to an MQTT broker. By setting this flag you are indicating
# that no messages saved by the broker for this client should be delivered.
# Client ID
# Set the client id to be used by this client when connecting to the MQTT
# broker. A client id must be no longer than 23 characters. When left blank,
# a random id will be generated. This requires clean_session=true.
# CA certificate file (optional)
# Use this when setting up a secure connection (when server uses ssl://...)
# but the certificate used by the server is not trusted by any CA certificate
# on the server (e.g. when self generated).
# TLS certificate file (optional)
# TLS key file (optional)
# AMQP / RabbitMQ.
# Use this backend when the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge is configured to connect
# to RabbitMQ using the MQTT plugin. See for more details about this plugin:
# Server URL.
# See for a specification of all the possible options:
# Event queue name.
# This queue will be created when it does not yet exist and is used to
# queue the events received from the gateway.
# Event routing key.
# This is the routing-key used for creating the queue binding.
# Command routing key template.
# This is the command routing-key template used when publishing gateway
# commands.
command_routing_key_template="gateway.{{ .GatewayID }}.command.{{ .CommandType }}"
# Google Cloud Pub/Sub backend.
# Use this backend when the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge is configured to connect
# to the Google Cloud IoT Core MQTT broker (which integrates with Pub/Sub).
# Path to the IAM service-account credentials file.
# Note: this service-account must have the following Pub/Sub roles:
# * Pub/Sub Editor
# Google Cloud project id.
# Uplink Pub/Sub topic name (to which Cloud IoT Core publishes).
# Downlink Pub/Sub topic name (for publishing downlink frames).
# Uplink retention duration.
# The retention duration that ChirpStack Network Server will set on the uplink subscription.
# Azure IoT Hub backend.
# Use this backend when the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge is configured to connect
# to the Azure IoT Hub MQTT broker.
# Events connection string.
# This connection string must point to the Service Bus Queue to which the
# IoT Hub is forwarding the (uplink) gateway events.
# Commands connection string.
# This connection string must point to the IoT Hub and is used by ChirpStack Network Server
# for sending commands to the gateways.
# Monitoring settings.
# Note that this replaces the metrics configuration. If a metrics section is
# found in the configuration, then it will fall back to that and the monitoring
# section is ignored.
# IP:port to bind the monitoring endpoint to.
# When left blank, the monitoring endpoint will be disabled.
# Prometheus metrics endpoint.
# When set true, Prometheus metrics will be served at '/metrics'.
# Prometheus API timing histogram.
# By setting this to true, the API request timing histogram will be enabled.
# See also:
# Health check endpoint.
# When set to true, the healthcheck endpoint will be served at '/health'.
# When requesting, this endpoint will perform the following actions to
# determine the health of this service:
# * Ping PostgreSQL database
# * Ping Redis database
# Join-server settings.
# Resolve JoinEUI (experimental).
# Default join-server settings.
# When set to true, ChirpStack Network Server will use the JoinEUI to resolve the join-server
# for the given JoinEUI. ChirpStack Network Server will fallback on the default join-server
# when resolving the JoinEUI fails.
# Resolve domain suffix.
# This configures the domain suffix used for resolving the join-server.
# Per Join Server configuration.
# Example:
# [[join_server.servers]]
# # JoinEUI.
# #
# # The JoinEUI of the joinserver to to use the certificates for.
# join_eui="0102030405060708"
# # Server (optional).
# #
# # The endpoint to the Join Server. If set, the DNS lookup will not be used
# # for the JoinEUI associated with this server.
# server=""
# # CA certificate (optional).
# #
# # Set this to validate the join-server server certificate (e.g. when the
# # certificate was self-signed).
# ca_cert="/path/to/ca.pem"
# # TLS client-certificate (optional).
# #
# # Set this to enable client-certificate authentication with the join-server.
# tls_cert="/path/to/tls_cert.pem"
# # TLS client-certificate key (optional).
# #
# # Set this to enable client-certificate authentication with the join-server.
# tls_key="/path/to/tls_key.pem"
# Default join-server settings.
# This join-server will be used when resolving the JoinEUI is set to false
# or as a fallback when resolving the JoinEUI fails.
# Default server endpoint.
# This API is provided by ChirpStack Application Server.
# ca certificate used by the default join-server client (optional)
# tls certificate used by the default join-server client (optional)
# tls key used by the default join-server client (optional)
# Network-controller configuration.
# hostname:port of the network-controller api server (optional)
# ca certificate used by the network-controller client (optional)
# tls certificate used by the network-controller client (optional)
# tls key used by the network-controller client (optional)
# Roaming settings (experimental).
# Resolve NetID domain suffix.
# This configures the domain suffix used for resolving a Network Server
# using its NetID.
# Roaming API settings.
# Interface to bind the API to (ip:port).
# CA certificate (optional).
# When configured, this is used for client-certificate validation.
# TLS certificate (optional).
# When configured, this is used to secure the API interface using TLS.
# This must be configured together with the tls_key.
# TLS key (optional).
# Default roaming server.
# When this is configured and non of the configured servers are matching the
# NetID, then the default roaming server will be used. The same configuration
# parameters apply as to each roaming server, except that no NetID needs to
# be set.