Concentratord on Rpi3 with RAK2245 HAT


I am have a RAK2245 HAT and have installed the Chirpstack RPi image and I am trying to get up and running for the first time.

When I do a sudo monit summary

I get chirpstack-concentratord │ Does not exist │ Process │

If I investigate the problem tail -f /var/log/messages

Jan 12 03:19:23 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-concentratord-sx1301[2956]: Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 3, enabled: true, freq: 915800000, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: 200000
Jan 12 03:19:23 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-concentratord-sx1301[2956]: Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 4, enabled: true, freq: 916000000, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: 400000
Jan 12 03:19:23 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-concentratord-sx1301[2956]: Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 5, enabled: true, freq: 916200000, rf_chain: 1, if_freq: -400000
Jan 12 03:19:23 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-concentratord-sx1301[2956]: Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 6, enabled: true, freq: 916400000, rf_chain: 1, if_freq: -200000
Jan 12 03:19:23 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-concentratord-sx1301[2956]: Configuring multi-SF LoRa channel, channel: 7, enabled: true, freq: 916600000, rf_chain: 1, if_freq: 0
Jan 12 03:19:23 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-concentratord-sx1301[2956]: Configuring Std LoRa channel, enabled: true, freq: 915900000, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: 300000
Jan 12 03:19:23 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-concentratord-sx1301[2956]: Configuring FSK channel, enabled: false, freq: 0, rf_chain: 0, if_freq: 0
Jan 12 03:19:23 raspberrypi3 chirpstack-concentratord-sx1301[2956]: Starting the concentrator
Jan 12 03:19:23 raspberrypi3 user.err chirpstack-gateway-bridge[2029]: time="2021-01-12T03:19:23Z" level=error msg="backend/concentratord: event socket dial error" error="dial event api url error: zmq4: could not dial to \"ipc:///tmp/concentratord_event\": dial unix /tmp/c
Jan 12 03:19:27 raspberrypi3 user.err chirpstack-gateway-bridge[2029]: time="2021-01-12T03:19:27Z" level=error msg="backend/concentratord: event socket dial error" error="dial event api url error: zmq4: could not dial to \"ipc:///tmp/concentratord_event\": dial unix /tmp/c
Jan 12 03:19:30 raspberrypi3 user.err chirpstack-gateway-bridge[2029]: time="2021-01-12T03:19:30Z" level=error msg="backend/concentratord: event socket dial error" error="dial event api url error: zmq4: could not dial to \"ipc:///tmp/concentratord_event\": dial unix /tmp/c

When I try to manually start the chirpstack-concentratord

/usr/bin/chirpstack-concentratord-sx1301 -c /etc/chirpstack-concentratord/sx1301/global.toml -c /etc/chirpstack-concentratord/sx1301/band.toml -c /etc/chirpstack-concentratord/sx1301/channels.toml

I get the following:

thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: "lgw_start failed"', chirpstack-concentratord-sx1301/src/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

Can anyone see anything that I am clearly doing wrong?
Thanks so much!

Just as an update to this, I spent some time today trying to use the RAK software found here:

Using this I seem to get a similar problem, although a different error message

ERROR: [main] failed to start the concentrator

My current thoughts are that the problem may be with the concentrator not resetting properly. I have looked at the following thread: IMST Lite Gateway setup

One of the remedies that @brocarr reccoended was:

Reset the sx1301:

raspberrypi:/home/admin# /etc/init.d/sx1301-reset stop && /etc/init.d/sx1301-reset start

Unforutuately, /etc/init.d/sx1301 does not exist.

Just to update this, I switched to a Raspberry Pi Zero and then everything worked. Not sure what was wrong with the Raspberry Pi 3B+, but either way, problem solved.

It could have been a wiring issue… Just as a side-note: the reset scripts have been removed as the reset is now handled by the Concentratord out-of-the-box :slight_smile: