Configurate the Lora-Gateway-bride.toml

Hey out there.

I’m in a lil struggle with the config file. How can i configurate the lora-gateway-bridge file. I think its the default file i’m using rigth now.

I working for an uni project and i’m new to the LoRaWAN stuff. I went through the documentation a lot of times but i don’t get it until now.

I’m using a LairdRG186 and configered the packet-forwarder on the GW. Also i created all needed in the LoRaServer UI (Organization, App, Service profile, Device profile, Network Server). It ends up at the ‘Device Creation’ cause of the DEV EUI i have to set in the configfile, rigth?

possible someone can helpe me please.


# debug=5, info=4, warning=3, error=2, fatal=1, panic=0
log_level = 4

# Configuration which relates to the packet-forwarder.
# ip:port to bind the UDP listener to
# Example: to listen on port 1700 for all network interfaces.
# This is the listeren to which the packet-forwarder forwards its data
# so make sure the 'serv_port_up' and 'serv_port_down' from your
# packet-forwarder matches this port.
udp_bind = ""

# Skip the CRC status-check of received packets
# This is only has effect when the packet-forwarder is configured to forward
# LoRa frames with CRC errors.
skip_crc_check = false

  # # Managed packet-forwarder configuration.
  # #
  # # By configuring one or multiple managed packet-forwarder sections, the
  # # LoRa Gateway Bridge updates the configuration when the backend receives
  # # a configuration change, after which it will restart the packet-forwarder.
  # [[packet_forwarder.configuration]]
  # # Gateway MAC.
  # #
  # # The LoRa Gateway Bridge will only apply the configuration updates for this
  # # gateway MAC.
  # mac="0102030405060708"

  # # Base configuration file.
  # #
  # # This file will be used as base-configuration and will not be overwritten on
  # # a configuration update. This file needs to exist and contains the base
  # # configuration and vendor specific
  # base_file="/etc/lora-packet-forwarder/global_conf.json"

  # # Output configuration file.
  # #
  # # This will be the final configuration for the packet-forwarder, containing
  # # a merged version of the base configuration + the requested configuration
  # # update.
  # # Warning: this file will be overwritten on a configuration update!
  # output_file="/etc/lora-packet-forwarder/local_conf.json"

  # # Restart command.
  # #
  # # This command is issued by the LoRa Gateway Bridge on a configuration
  # # change. Make sure the LoRa Gateway Bridge process has sufficient
  # # permissions to execute this command.
  # restart_command="/etc/init.d/lora-packet-forwarder restart"

# Configuration for the MQTT backend.
# MQTT topic templates for the different MQTT topics.
# The meaning of these topics are documented at:
# The default values match the default expected configuration of the
# LoRa Server MQTT backend. Therefore only change these values when
# absolutely needed.
# Use "{{ .MAC }}" as an substitution for the LoRa gateway MAC.
uplink_topic_template="gateway/{{ .MAC }}/rx"
downlink_topic_template="gateway/{{ .MAC }}/tx"
stats_topic_template="gateway/{{ .MAC }}/stats"
ack_topic_template="gateway/{{ .MAC }}/ack"
config_topic_template="gateway/{{ .MAC }}/config"

# MQTT server (e.g. scheme://host:port where scheme is tcp, ssl or ws)

# Connect with the given username (optional)

# Connect with the given password (optional)

# Quality of service level
# 0: at most once
# 1: at least once
# 2: exactly once
# Note: an increase of this value will decrease the performance.
# For more information:

# Clean session
# Set the "clean session" flag in the connect message when this client
# connects to an MQTT broker. By setting this flag you are indicating
# that no messages saved by the broker for this client should be delivered.

# Client ID
# Set the client id to be used by this client when connecting to the MQTT
# broker. A client id must be no longer than 23 characters. When left blank,
# a random id will be generated. This requires clean_session=true.

# CA certificate file (optional)
# Use this when setting up a secure connection (when server uses ssl://...)
# but the certificate used by the server is not trusted by any CA certificate
# on the server (e.g. when self generated).

# mqtt TLS certificate file (optional)

# mqtt TLS key file (optional)

Config file is OK. Actually you rarely need to change it. only important staff there is that, UDP connection port is open and set to 1700.

You registering devices on app server web interface, not in config file.

Ok thx. You mean open.

Have it to be open on the gateway and the server side for communication between server & gw?

Yes, It must be on 1700 port. If your gateway is behind any firewall, you must open it for your server IP and 1700 port.