Configuration Properties from Chirpstack

Hello All,

I am trying to get the forwarding from a Dragino to a chirpstack instance configured. However I am at the step of editing the chirpstack-mqtt-forwarder.toml file with the Chirpstack Network Server address and Username/Password. I have not figured out what to put in here to get them to start communicating.

The instance of Chirpstack is a full instance installed on a raspberry Pi4.
What I have entered so far where RasPi Ip is the IP address of the chirpstack instance and the username and password from the Chirpstack Network Server Interface.
I have also tried just “” for the user and password with the same result.
I know the gateway works because it is actively connected with TTN.

Any help on this issue would be much appreciated! Thanks!

The username and password variables there are for if you set up username/password authentication on your MQTT broker.

If you are just using the default install configuration it should be enough to specify just the topic_prefix and the server, leaving username, password, and the certificates blank.

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