Connecting to backend mqqt broker

I run Chirpstack V3 and have just built a new V4 instance in its own Ubuntu VM. Install went OK and I can connect my rak gateway to Chirpstack (configured as basic station) and sensors send data to chirpstack. no issues.

However I am at a loss as to where I enter the mqtt config so sensor data is sent to my backend mqtt server. In V3 this was in the chirpstack-application-server.toml file , where is the equivalent V4 config file?

I have tried changing the mqtt integration section in /etc/chirpstack/chirpstack.toml file but this just stops the main chirpstack dashboard page from starting.

Help much appreciated.

Should be this part (from Configuration - ChirpStack open-source LoRaWAN® Network Server documentation):

    # Generic MQTT authentication.
    # MQTT servers.
    # Configure one or multiple MQTT server to connect to. Each item must be in
    # the following format: scheme://host:port where scheme is tcp, ssl or ws.

Details would depend on on security that your mosquitto broker uses (like user, password, certificates if used etc).

thanks but changing the mqtt settings in the gateway-bridge only provides mqtt gateway topics, I want the application topics. How do I get the application topics sent?

I see application topics and mqtt integration in the chirpstack.toml file and the architecture implies this is where I need to change things, but when I set it here I see nothing transmitted over mqtt from chirpstack.

still scratching my head and any comments/direction welcome
scratching my head

Ah, sorry, whong link. App server config is not much different tho: Configuration - ChirpStack open-source LoRaWAN® Network Server documentation

# MQTT integration configuration.
# Event topic template.

    # Command topic.
    # This is the topic on which the MQTT subscribes for receiving (enqueue) commands.

    # Use JSON encoding instead of Protobuf (binary).

    # MQTT server (e.g. scheme://host:port where scheme is tcp, ssl or ws)

If it does not work for you, then check ussual (start with mosquitto logs, netstat, check network settings, firewall etc…)

1 Like

Thanks for your direction but I am still having issues in getting Chirpstack to send application topics to my external broker.

When I modify chirpstack.toml (see below) Chirpstack does not appear to make a connection to my external broker, I have checked the chirpstack and mosquitto logs but can see no error message. I have shown below the chirpstack.toml log showing when a client join request is made to see if this sheds any light on the problem.

If I modify the chirpstack-gateway-bridge.toml with my mqtt credentials I do see and receive published topics.

I am obviously doing something wrong, your help really appreciated.

# Logging.

  # Log level.
  # Options are: trace, debug, info, warn error.

# PostgreSQL configuration.

  # PostgreSQL DSN.
  # Format example: postgres://<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD>@<HOSTNAME>/<DATABASE>?sslmode=<SSLMODE>.
  # SSL mode options:
  #  * disable - no SSL
  #  * require - Always SSL (skip verification)
  #  * verify-ca - Always SSL (verify that the certificate presented by the server was signed by a trusted CA)
  #  * verify-full - Always SSL (verify that the certification presented by the server was signed by a trusted CA and the server host name matches the one in the certificate)

  # Max open connections.
  # This sets the max. number of open connections that are allowed in the
  # PostgreSQL connection pool.

  # Min idle connections.
  # This sets the min. number of idle connections in the PostgreSQL connection
  # pool (0 = equal to max_open_connections).

# Redis configuration.

  # Server address or addresses.
  # Set multiple addresses when connecting to a cluster.

  # TLS enabled.

  # Redis Cluster.
  # Set this to true when the provided URLs are pointing to a Redis Cluster
  # instance.

# Network related configuration.

  # Network identifier (NetID, 3 bytes) encoded as HEX (e.g. 010203).

  # Enabled regions.
  # Multiple regions can be enabled simultaneously. Each region must match
  # the 'name' parameter of the region configuration in '[[regions]]'.

# API interface configuration.

  # interface:port to bind the API interface to.

  # Secret.
  # This secret is used for generating login and API tokens, make sure this
  # is never exposed. Changing this secret will invalidate all login and API
  # tokens. The following command can be used to generate a random secret:
  #   openssl rand -base64 32

# Global integration related configuration.

  # Enabled integrations (global).
  enabled = [

  # MQTT integration configuration.

    # Event topic template.

    # Command topic.
    # This is the topic on which the MQTT subscribes for receiving (enqueue) commands.

    # Use JSON encoding instead of Protobuf (binary).

    # MQTT server (e.g. scheme://host:port where scheme is tcp, ssl or ws)

    # Connect with the given username (optional)

    # Connect with the given password (optional)

    # Quality of service level
    # 0: at most once
    # 1: at least once
    # 2: exactly once
    # Note: an increase of this value will decrease the performance.
    # For more information:

    # Clean session
    # Set the "clean session" flag in the connect message when this client
    # connects to an MQTT broker. By setting this flag you are indicating
    # that no messages saved by the broker for this client should be delivered.

    # Client ID
    # Set the client id to be used by this client when connecting to the MQTT
    # broker. A client id must be no longer than 23 characters. If left blank,
    # a random id will be generated by ChirpStack.

    # CA certificate file (optional)
    # Use this when setting up a secure connection (when server uses ssl://...)
    # but the certificate used by the server is not trusted by any CA certificate
    # on the server (e.g. when self generated).

    # TLS certificate file (optional)

    # TLS key file (optional)

Chirpstack.toml log

Nov 24 15:48:15 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:15.291333Z  INFO chirpstack::gateway::backend::mqtt: Message received from gateway region_name="eu868" topic="eu868/gateway/ac1f09fffe0b8059/event/up" qos=0 json=true
Nov 24 15:48:15 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:15.493809Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=b4d06043-75c8-49d1-805b-1e2ba6eb76ec}: chirpstack::uplink: Uplink received m_type="JoinRequest"
Nov 24 15:48:15 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:15.500067Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=b4d06043-75c8-49d1-805b-1e2ba6eb76ec}:join_request: chirpstack::storage::device_keys: Device-nonce validated and stored dev_eui=a84041127184582b dev_nonce=56553
Nov 24 15:48:15 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:15.502374Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=b4d06043-75c8-49d1-805b-1e2ba6eb76ec}:join_request: chirpstack::storage::device_keys: Device-keys updated dev_eui=a84041127184582b
Nov 24 15:48:15 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:15.502977Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=b4d06043-75c8-49d1-805b-1e2ba6eb76ec}:join_request: chirpstack::storage::device_session: Device-session saved dev_eui=a84041127184582b dev_addr=0154116d
Nov 24 15:48:15 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:15.503442Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=b4d06043-75c8-49d1-805b-1e2ba6eb76ec}:join_request: chirpstack::storage::device_queue: Device queue flushed dev_eui=a84041127184582b count=0
Nov 24 15:48:15 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:15.505671Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=b4d06043-75c8-49d1-805b-1e2ba6eb76ec}:join_request: chirpstack::storage::device: Enabled class updated dev_eui=a84041127184582b enabled_class=A
Nov 24 15:48:15 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:15.506053Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=b4d06043-75c8-49d1-805b-1e2ba6eb76ec}:join_request: chirpstack::gateway::backend::mqtt: Sending downlink frame gateway_id=ac1f09fffe0b8059 topic=eu868/gateway/ac1f09fffe0b8059/command/down json=true
Nov 24 15:48:15 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:15.506501Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=b4d06043-75c8-49d1-805b-1e2ba6eb76ec}:join_request: chirpstack::storage::downlink_frame: Downlink-frame saved downlink_id=666988886
Nov 24 15:48:20 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:20.296523Z  INFO chirpstack::gateway::backend::mqtt: Message received from gateway region_name="eu868" topic="eu868/gateway/ac1f09fffe0b8059/event/ack" qos=0 json=true
Nov 24 15:48:20 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:20.297122Z  INFO chirpstack::downlink::tx_ack: Log downlink-frame for gateway gateway_id=ac1f09fffe0b8059
Nov 24 15:48:20 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:20.297429Z  INFO chirpstack::downlink::tx_ack: Log downlink-frame for device device_eui=a84041127184582b
Nov 24 15:48:22 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:22.398928Z  INFO chirpstack::gateway::backend::mqtt: Message received from gateway region_name="eu868" topic="eu868/gateway/ac1f09fffe0b8059/event/up" qos=0 json=true
Nov 24 15:48:22 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:22.601224Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=6cdbe526-c222-439a-89d8-8a2a269b5881}: chirpstack::uplink: Uplink received m_type="UnconfirmedDataUp"
Nov 24 15:48:22 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:22.602897Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=6cdbe526-c222-439a-89d8-8a2a269b5881}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::device_session: Device-session saved dev_eui=a84041127184582b dev_addr=0154116d
Nov 24 15:48:22 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:22.604811Z  INFO chirpstack::storage::device: Setting device lock dev_eui=a84041127184582b
Nov 24 15:48:22 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:22.609956Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=6cdbe526-c222-439a-89d8-8a2a269b5881}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::device: Data-rate updated dev_eui=a84041127184582b dr=0
Nov 24 15:48:22 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:22.610525Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=6cdbe526-c222-439a-89d8-8a2a269b5881}:data_up: chirpstack::maccommand::device_time: DeviceTimeReq received dev_eui=a84041127184582b rx_time=2022-11-24 15:48:22.316859 UTC gps_time=1353340120
Nov 24 15:48:22 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:22.610932Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=6cdbe526-c222-439a-89d8-8a2a269b5881}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::device_gateway: Gateway rx-info saved dev_eui=a84041127184582b
Nov 24 15:48:22 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:22.616106Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=6cdbe526-c222-439a-89d8-8a2a269b5881}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::device_session: Device-session saved dev_eui=a84041127184582b dev_addr=0154116d
Nov 24 15:48:22 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:22.616469Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=6cdbe526-c222-439a-89d8-8a2a269b5881}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::metrics: Metrics saved name=device:a84041127184582b aggregation=HOUR
Nov 24 15:48:22 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:22.616692Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=6cdbe526-c222-439a-89d8-8a2a269b5881}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::metrics: Metrics saved name=device:a84041127184582b aggregation=DAY
Nov 24 15:48:22 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:22.616925Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=6cdbe526-c222-439a-89d8-8a2a269b5881}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::metrics: Metrics saved name=device:a84041127184582b aggregation=MONTH
Nov 24 15:48:22 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:22.617617Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=6cdbe526-c222-439a-89d8-8a2a269b5881}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::mac_command: Pending mac-command block set dev_eui=a84041127184582b cid=LinkADRReq
Nov 24 15:48:22 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:22.618035Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=6cdbe526-c222-439a-89d8-8a2a269b5881}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::downlink_frame: Downlink-frame saved downlink_id=2877018956
Nov 24 15:48:22 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:22.618293Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=6cdbe526-c222-439a-89d8-8a2a269b5881}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::device_session: Device-session saved dev_eui=a84041127184582b dev_addr=0154116d
Nov 24 15:48:22 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:22.618434Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=6cdbe526-c222-439a-89d8-8a2a269b5881}:data_up: chirpstack::gateway::backend::mqtt: Sending downlink frame gateway_id=ac1f09fffe0b8059 topic=eu868/gateway/ac1f09fffe0b8059/command/down json=true
Nov 24 15:48:23 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:23.400451Z  INFO chirpstack::gateway::backend::mqtt: Message received from gateway region_name="eu868" topic="eu868/gateway/ac1f09fffe0b8059/event/ack" qos=0 json=true
Nov 24 15:48:23 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:23.401260Z  INFO chirpstack::storage::device_session: Device-session saved dev_eui=a84041127184582b dev_addr=0154116d
Nov 24 15:48:23 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:23.401430Z  INFO chirpstack::downlink::tx_ack: Log downlink-frame for gateway gateway_id=ac1f09fffe0b8059
Nov 24 15:48:23 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:23.401685Z  INFO chirpstack::downlink::tx_ack: Log downlink-frame for device device_eui=a84041127184582b
Nov 24 15:48:25 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:25.102145Z  INFO chirpstack::gateway::backend::mqtt: Message received from gateway region_name="eu868" topic="eu868/gateway/ac1f09fffe0b8059/event/up" qos=0 json=true
Nov 24 15:48:25 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:25.304334Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=5060ae15-00ba-445c-ac6f-6fa45b4f07b0}: chirpstack::uplink: Uplink received m_type="UnconfirmedDataUp"
Nov 24 15:48:25 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:25.306404Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=5060ae15-00ba-445c-ac6f-6fa45b4f07b0}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::device_session: Device-session saved dev_eui=a84041127184582b dev_addr=0154116d
Nov 24 15:48:25 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:25.307221Z  INFO chirpstack::storage::device: Setting device lock dev_eui=a84041127184582b
Nov 24 15:48:25 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:25.309486Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=5060ae15-00ba-445c-ac6f-6fa45b4f07b0}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::device: Data-rate updated dev_eui=a84041127184582b dr=5
Nov 24 15:48:25 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:25.310221Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=5060ae15-00ba-445c-ac6f-6fa45b4f07b0}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::mac_command: Pending mac-command block deleted dev_eui=a84041127184582b cid=LinkADRAns
Nov 24 15:48:25 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:25.310446Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=5060ae15-00ba-445c-ac6f-6fa45b4f07b0}:data_up: chirpstack::maccommand::link_adr: LinkADRReq acknowledged dev_eui=a84041127184582b tx_power_index=2 dr=5 nb_trans=1 enabled_channels=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
Nov 24 15:48:25 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:25.310646Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=5060ae15-00ba-445c-ac6f-6fa45b4f07b0}:data_up: chirpstack::maccommand::dev_status: DevStatusAns received dev_eui=a84041127184582b battery=100 margin=4
Nov 24 15:48:25 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:25.314978Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=5060ae15-00ba-445c-ac6f-6fa45b4f07b0}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::device: Device status updated dev_eui=a84041127184582b
Nov 24 15:48:25 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:25.315752Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=5060ae15-00ba-445c-ac6f-6fa45b4f07b0}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::device_gateway: Gateway rx-info saved dev_eui=a84041127184582b
Nov 24 15:48:25 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:25.320515Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=5060ae15-00ba-445c-ac6f-6fa45b4f07b0}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::device_session: Device-session saved dev_eui=a84041127184582b dev_addr=0154116d
Nov 24 15:48:25 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:25.320934Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=5060ae15-00ba-445c-ac6f-6fa45b4f07b0}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::metrics: Metrics saved name=device:a84041127184582b aggregation=HOUR
Nov 24 15:48:25 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:25.321167Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=5060ae15-00ba-445c-ac6f-6fa45b4f07b0}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::metrics: Metrics saved name=device:a84041127184582b aggregation=DAY
Nov 24 15:48:25 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:25.321419Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=5060ae15-00ba-445c-ac6f-6fa45b4f07b0}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::metrics: Metrics saved name=device:a84041127184582b aggregation=MONTH
Nov 24 15:48:25 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:25.321851Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=5060ae15-00ba-445c-ac6f-6fa45b4f07b0}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::mac_command: Pending mac-command block set dev_eui=a84041127184582b cid=LinkADRReq
Nov 24 15:48:25 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:25.322059Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=5060ae15-00ba-445c-ac6f-6fa45b4f07b0}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::downlink_frame: Downlink-frame saved downlink_id=25356217
Nov 24 15:48:25 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:25.322337Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=5060ae15-00ba-445c-ac6f-6fa45b4f07b0}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::device_session: Device-session saved dev_eui=a84041127184582b dev_addr=0154116d
Nov 24 15:48:25 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:25.322464Z  INFO up{deduplication_id=5060ae15-00ba-445c-ac6f-6fa45b4f07b0}:data_up: chirpstack::gateway::backend::mqtt: Sending downlink frame gateway_id=ac1f09fffe0b8059 topic=eu868/gateway/ac1f09fffe0b8059/command/down json=true
Nov 24 15:48:27 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:27.104201Z  INFO chirpstack::gateway::backend::mqtt: Message received from gateway region_name="eu868" topic="eu868/gateway/ac1f09fffe0b8059/event/ack" qos=0 json=true
Nov 24 15:48:27 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:27.104917Z  INFO chirpstack::storage::device_session: Device-session saved dev_eui=a84041127184582b dev_addr=0154116d
Nov 24 15:48:27 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:27.105018Z  INFO chirpstack::downlink::tx_ack: Log downlink-frame for gateway gateway_id=ac1f09fffe0b8059
Nov 24 15:48:27 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:27.105303Z  INFO chirpstack::downlink::tx_ack: Log downlink-frame for device device_eui=a84041127184582b
Nov 24 15:48:31 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:31.308380Z  INFO chirpstack::gateway::backend::mqtt: Message received from gateway region_name="eu868" topic="eu868/gateway/ac1f09fffe0b8059/event/stats" qos=0 json=true
Nov 24 15:48:31 chirpstack chirpstack[629]: 2022-11-24T15:48:31.311100Z  INFO stats{gateway_id=ac1f09fffe0b8059}: chirpstack::storage::gateway: Gateway state updated gateway_id=ac1f09fffe0b8059
Nov 24 15:

Mqtt config seems ok, you just need to enable selected intergrations too:

# Global integration related configuration.

  # Enabled integrations (global).
  enabled = [

  # MQTT integration configuration.
1 Like

Thanks. BTW love the payload decoder integration from TTN.

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