Connection Error while connecting to Google IoT Core

Dear community,

I’m trying to connect my Chirpstack Gateway Bridge to Google Cloud Platform using the following guide:

However, when I start the gateway bridge on my gateway device I receive the following output (debug level):

INFO[0000] starting ChirpStack Gateway Bridge            docs="" version=3.13.2
INFO[0000] backend/semtechudp: starting gateway udp listener  addr=""
DEBU[0000] backend/semtechudp: cleanup gateway registry
DEBU[0003] [client]   Connect()                          module=mqtt
DEBU[0003] [store]    memorystore initialized            module=mqtt
DEBU[0003] [client]   about to write new connect msg     module=mqtt
DEBU[0003] [client]   socket connected to broker         module=mqtt
DEBU[0003] [client]   Using MQTT 3.1.1 protocol          module=mqtt
DEBU[0003] [net]      connect started                    module=mqtt
ERRO[0003] [net]      connect got error EOF              module=mqtt
ERRO[0003] [client]   Connecting to ssl:// CONNACK was not CONN_ACCEPTED, but rather Connection Error  module=mqtt
ERRO[0003] [client]   Failed to connect to a broker      module=mqtt
DEBU[0003] [store]    memorystore closed                 module=mqtt
ERRO[0003] integration/mqtt: connection error            error="network Error : EOF"

I’m using the following MQTT Authentication settings:

This matched my Google IoT settings.

I’m using chirpstack gateway bridge on armv7.
I tried to install gateway bridge from apt on my debian install, and I got the same error.
Is there something that I’m missing? Could someone help me out? Thanks!

Probably this is caused by a certificate mismatch and Cloud IoT Core drops the connection.

Thank you for your response.
Currently I got it to work!

I was using the wrong project-id. Following the tutorial it looked like using the project name of GPC is enough. Apparently, GPC creates a specific project id using the project name and a number. In my opinion that’s not clear in the documentation.

Pull-requests are welcome :slight_smile: GitHub - brocaar/chirpstack-docs: ChirpStack project documentation