I am new to Chirpstack. I downloaded Chirpstack Gateway OS 4.5.2 Full for my RaspberryPi 4B. I have a 32GB Sandisk SD Card. I flashed it with RaspberryPi imager. I have WaveShare SX1303 Gateway Module.
For the first time, I connected to the ChirpStackAP-XXXXXX AccessPoint and I was able to access the web interface via I was able to change the password. So, I tried to connect rpi to my router. I couldn’t find the rpi connected to my router as I checked for IP address via ip scanner. After that I couldn’t access the web interface via accesspoint too.
So, I re-flashed the OS again and I tried to access the web interface. From the second time, I couldn’t access the web interface. I tried to flash os numerous times.
I was facing similar issues. Solved very recently.
What I learned was that:
Always best to connect Raspi/Gateway setup first to Wired Ethernet on your local LAN router. Then use the ip address assigned by your router to connect to the web configuration interface.
Within your wireless interface settings (if you intend to connect the gateway to a WiFi network), add your wifi credentials by doing a scan. Make sure that the wireless network is enabled.
Sometimes, if your router is relatively new and follows only ipv6 conventions, it may not assign an ipv4 address and it becomes difficult to connect on browser. Generally newer routers with multiple channels and 5Ghz wifi may do this. Try to avoid such wifi routers or connect the gateway device to them physically with LAN cable
You will have to change the interface configuration of your wireless radio from “Access point” to “client” to disable default access point and enable connection to a wifi device.
Within firewall settings, in zones, try to change values of Input, output and forward fields to “accept” instead of “reject” wherever applicable. This will also help to troubleshoot internet connection issues (if they arise further)
Now, at this point I have working configuration interface (using ip assigned by my router). However, after configuring this, I am not able to now access the “chirpstack lorawan server web interface” (on port 8080 of assigned ip) using web browser. I am clueless on this. If you have been able to access this, your inputs would be really appreciated.