Data migration v3 - v4

hey there,
I always encounter an error when executing the migration script. The first error is: “Exec user statement error: pq: duplicate key value violates unique constraint ‘idx_user_email’.” When I add the “–drop tenants and users” flag, I get this error: “Prepare tenant statement error: pq: column ‘tags’ of relation ‘tenant’ does not exist.”

Does anyone have an idea what might be wrong here?


for the error : idx_user_email

Connect to web page and change your admin user email address ( on the new v4 installed )
and re-launch migration script.

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Now i got another error that looks like this.

That is a DNS lookup error related to the redis hostname. This is not an error caused by the migration script.

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Yeah you are right. I solved this bymapping the port to my host. Now it works.
Thanks for your help.