Delay in Device Status Update on ChirpStack Dashboard


I am facing an issue with ChirpStack. Although my device are active and publishing messages correctly to MQTT, the ChirpStack dashboard shows a delay of about 2 hours in updating the device information.

Here are the details:

I have been testing this for a few weeks.
My gateway updates its status to “active” almost instantly when turned on and to “inactive” when turned off.
However, my device, even when active, takes about 2 hours to show as “active” and the same amount of time to show as “inactive” after being turned off.
Both the gateway and the device are displayed on the same screen of the dashboard, but their behavior is inconsistent: the gateway updates as expected, while the device does not.
Analyzing the log:

eduplication_id=7f46b144-61d6-4204-b13e-182738c471c8:data_up: chirpstack::integration::mqtt: Publishing event topic=application/a7dd57e0-164a-4f8e-8881-f6d9a90b274b/device/1d75f5ceee308580/event/log

This log entry likely indicates that a log event for a specific device (EUI: 1d75f5ceee308580) within a specific application (ID: a7dd57e0-164a-4f8e-8881-f6d9a90b274b) is being published to the MQTT broker.

Additional information:
1d75f5ceee308580 = EUI of my device
a7dd57e0-164a-4f8e-8881-f6d9a90b274b = Application created in ChirpStack
Apparently, the device is sending data correctly, but the dashboard does not reflect the updates in real time.

Could there be a configuration in ChirpStack causing this delay on the dashboard?
Is it possible that this delay is an issue with the ChirpStack platform itself?
Thank you in advance for your help!

These “/event/log” messages are not actually uplinks but typically they are errors, do you have the message that accompanies the log? Hard to debug without knowing the exact message.

Fixing whatever issue is causing that message will likely solve your problem.

Unlikely. I have not had this happen myself and haven’t seen it before on the forum. It’s could just be that whatever the first uplink the device sends (the one you expect to change the status) is getting rejected for whatever reason.

Chirpstack needs to a see an “application/a7dd57e0-164a-4f8e-8881-f6d9a90b274b/device/1d75f5ceee308580/event/up” event before updating the device status.