Device data tab doesn't match with lorawan frames tab

Hi friends,
why doesn’t device data tab match with lorawan frames tab? some of uplink frames exist in lorawan frames but don’t exist in device data.

for example for the packet with fcnt=74 the network server is just:

Aug 21 12:28:21 srv35074 ns[2562]: time=“2021-08-21T12:28:21.850605084+02:00” level=info msg=“gateway/mqtt: uplink frame received” gateway_id=ffffff0000210106 uplink_id=f75d085c-aa38-47df-b7c4-fb62847336f7

however, a normal log should be as below (fcnt=63):

Aug 21 00:27:16 srv35074 ns[2562]: time=“2021-08-21T00:27:16.615509589+02:00” level=info msg=“gateway/mqtt: uplink frame received” gateway_id=ffffff0000210106 uplink_id=65c03628-7291-4ba1-babb-1ef256af70a6
Aug 21 00:27:16 srv35074 ns[2562]: time=“2021-08-21T00:27:16.818875136+02:00” level=info msg=“uplink: frame(s) collected” ctx_id=a58b8038-b72b-4735-8ed7-1e80160b6f1e mtype=UnconfirmedDataUp uplink_ids=“[65c03628-7291-4ba1-babb-1ef256af70a6]”

I don’t see the second line of the log for fcnt=74. why?

the reason may be related to redis-servers. I have multiple networks in single machine and singe redis-server. after I have launched dedicated redis-server for each network the issue seems to be resolved.

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