Device state after the server reboot

A device is added in an application after joining process. Which means the server assigned an address to the device. The device sends packets to the server and I can see the packets on the log.

But my problem is that the device state is gone after the server reboot
Other configurations(application, profiles, devices) are okay. Only the device state disappears. So I can’t see the packets from the device through LoRa app server Web interface anymore even if the device is sending packets consistently.
The device has to send the join request again to see the packets.
What I’m missing? Please give me any advice.
Thanks in advance for your help.

Activations are stored in Redis, and you may not have it configured correctly for persistence. Check out the various threads on this topic in the past:

Thanks much.
Both AOF and RDB are disabled in my Redis. Let me try it with enabling.

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