Hello. I’m looking for some guidance on how best to publish data to a separate app server. I have an instance of LoraServer running and ThingsBoard running on a different computer. At first I thought I could get Thingsboard to subscribe to an mtqq topic but it seems its an mtqq server as well. I tried the http integration but couldn’t get that to work I think because ThingsBoard is expecting a flat name pair json format and Loraserver is sending the whole lorawan datapacket:
I finally got Thingsboard to accept data by forwarding mtqq messages with a python script. Notice I had to pull out just the geolocation data before publishing to Thingsboard:
def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
print("Connected with result code "+str(rc))
def on_message(client, userdata, msg):
I feel like I’m publishing to Thingsboard the hard way. What is the proper way of doing this? Can I use the http integration by formatting the data first? What have other people done? Thanks.