Docker mqtt failed to connect to a broker


I just installed Chirpstack v4 docker-compose and the log shows an error that module mqtt failed to connect to a broker. The installation is in a VM with Ubuntu server. Do you know how to solve this problem?

chirpstack-gateway-bridge-eu868_1 | time=“2022-10-06T11:54:51.320142599Z” level=error msg="[client] dial tcp i/o timeout" module=mqtt
chirpstack-gateway-bridge-eu868_1 | time=“2022-10-06T11:54:51.32022071Z” level=warning msg="[client] failed to connect to broker, trying next" module=mqtt
chirpstack-gateway-bridge-eu868_1 | time=“2022-10-06T11:54:51.32025817Z” level=error msg="[client] Failed to connect to a broker" module=mqtt
chirpstack_1 | Error: Setup MQTT integration
chirpstack_1 |
chirpstack_1 | Caused by:
chirpstack_1 | 0: Connect to MQTT broker
chirpstack_1 | 1: [-1] TCP connect timeout
chirpstack-gateway-bridge-eu868_1 | time=“2022-10-06T11:54:54.333300785Z” level=error msg=“integration/mqtt: connection error” error=“token wait timeout error”
chirpstack-docker_chirpstack_1 exited with code 1
chirpstack-gateway-bridge-eu868_1 | time=“2022-10-06T11:54:58.323377889Z” level=error msg="[client] dial tcp i/o timeout" module=mqtt
chirpstack-gateway-bridge-eu868_1 | time=“2022-10-06T11:54:58.323448796Z” level=warning msg="[client] failed to connect to broker, trying next" module=mqtt
chirpstack-gateway-bridge-eu868_1 | time=“2022-10-06T11:54:58.323499896Z” level=error msg="[client] Failed to connect to a broker" module=mqtt
chirpstack-gateway-bridge-eu868_1 | time=“2022-10-06T11:55:01.337514422Z” level=error msg=“integration/mqtt: connection error” error=“token wait timeout error”

Sorry for bothering you it was a problem with the ip forwarding in linux. I solved this with this commands in Ubuntu
sudo sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding=1
sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT

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