I have referred to other thread for this issue, however for me issue has’nt fixed.
When I spin up docker containers with server versions loraserver 2.6.1, appserver 2.6.0 and gatewaybridge 2.7.1. The loraserver and appserver are happily connecting to tcp mosquitto:1883. However, the gatewaybridge keeps trying to connect to instead of mosquitto.
Now the same setup i installed a week ago on another machine ran fine. So im thinking what is forcing gateway bridge to connect to localhost . No other configurations are changes.
Has anything changed in the complied image?
gatewaybridge_1 | time=“2019-05-22T13:50:01Z” level=info msg=“backend: connecting to mqtt broker” server=“tcp://”
gatewaybridge_1 | time=“2019-05-22T13:50:01Z” level=error msg=“could not setup mqtt backend, retry in 2 seconds: Network Error : dial tcp connect: connection refused”
gatewaybridge_1 | time=“2019-05-22T13:50:03Z” level=info msg=“backend: set max reconnect interval: 10m0s”
gatewaybridge_1 | time=“2019-05-22T13:50:03Z” level=info msg=“backend: TLS config is empty”
Thanks in advance.