Documentation questions help?

I am new to ChirpStack…as I read thru all the documentation it has become clear that I am ‘unclear’ as to exactly what I need to install to make more RPi5 be a standalone lorawan network server. The architecture pictures lead me to believe I want to install MQTT Forwarder yet there is no Raspberry Pi installation for this. I believe I want to put the MQTT broker on my gateway which makes me wonder if I should install the Gateway Bridge instead of the Forwarder. The ChirpStack section suggests I need to install MQTT, PostgreSQL and Redis as requirements would this mean if I use the Bridge or Forwarder I would have to do the same…

Another path leads me to believe I can install the ChirpStack Gateway OS Full image…Seems simple enough except there is no image to be found…the url leads to an error

In short can some please tell a Newbie exactly what it is I would want to put on my RPi5 to make it a standalone network server?

Thank you

Here you go.

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