Does chirpstack os on rpi have bluetooth?

I am running raspberry pi 3 b+ with chirpstack os 4.11 and am not able to access the bluetooth.
Is that something I need to enable?
I cannot find the device using hciconfig

arch	armv7l
chassis	embedded
dev	false
docker	true
docker_version	19.03.8
hassio	true
host_os	HassOS 4.11
installation_type	Home Assistant OS
os_name	Linux
os_version	4.19.127-v7
python_version	3.8.3
supervisor	229
timezone	America/Denver
version	0.113.2
virtualenv	false

The bluetooth is disabled in the ChirpStack Gateway OS images as it is mapped to the UART interface, which is needed when the concentrator shield has a GNSS / GPS module.

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ah…rock on! hmmm … if i add a bluetooth dongle, that should be okay then?