Downlink traffic via HTTP integration endpoint

Hi all,

I am new to LoRa. We are developing an application with class A devices.
At network server an application URL callback is configured as an URL endpoint at HTTP integration screen. Thus whenever a device sends uplink data, this data is base64 conveyed to the application via network server configured application callback. So far so good.
It happens that some uplink message trigger the application for sending downlink data towards the device. When application REST callback service is invoked, we would like for seize the opoportunity to include in HTTP 200 OK reply body a message to be downloaded to the device.
Is this feasible?
In case of positive answer, what would be JSON content of HTTP reply body content?
Best regards,

Paulo Sardinha

This is (currently) not possible, but you could use the REST API to schedule a downlink transmission on uplink.


Thank you for your prompt answer. When you say the scenario pictured is not currently feasible, do you mean it will be feasible soon?
Being the answer positive, is there a LoRa network server version where it is foreseen for this new feature to be introduced?
Best regards,

Paulo Sardinha