Dragino gateway never seen on Chirpstack.v4 UI

Hello guys,

im currently trying to connect my LPS8v2 dragino gateway to my local chirpstack server which runs on a linux machine but it always says “never seen”.

I think my region prefixes shouldnt be the problem because i checked them already. I also tried doing it the with bridge installed on the gateway or on the server but neither worked. I opened the 1700 udp ports up etc. but still it doesnt work. I can see through wireshark and command line arguments that the server and gateway are in fact communicating but it still says never seen.

Im kinda clueless what to do here. Please dont send me any links from dragino or chirpstack because i did what they suggested and it did not help me. What i find strange is that they are suggesting to type localhost at the lorawan semtech udp section at the dragino web interface for the server address? why would i type localhost there, i want to connect to a server which runs on another address so that confuses me a little.

Thanks in advance!

Have you got any errors in the Chirpstack logs?

Also try connecting to the MQTT broker and seeing if the messages are making it there.

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You need to type the IP of the ChirpStack server.
Make 100% sure that the gateway has network access to the Chirpstack server.

okay so my problem was that you cant connect to the broker if you do not set credentials or allow anonymous connections, i fixed that and now my gateway is seen!

for anyone wondering, i just allowed anonymous connections for the moment, you can do that in the mosquitto.conf file, but of course you should do it with credentials but when you install and configure said setup the broker refuses anonymous connections by default even if you do not set credentials, so either set it up properly from the start or just allow it. And yeah it helps to open up the 1700 and 1883 ports for connections

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