Enqueued downlinks not scheduled/sent by gateway

Hi, I have an issue with downlinks enqueued via the application server web interface not coming through to the device. I’m using ic880a-spi on Raspberry Pi 4 as my gateway with ttn-zh/ic880a-gateway setup forwarding packets to Chirpstack Gateway Bridge via exposed UDP port (this is running on a remote server).

My device is able to join (OTAA), and send uplink messages (all is displayed in the application server interface) but when I schedule downlink message, nothing happens and they are never scheduled or sent. I tried to debug but to no resolution, I don’t know how to determine where the fault is. I can see logs from the gateway about up/down messages, but I don’t see any indication of a problem on the gateway side.

Can anyone maybe help me debug further or steer me in the right direction? Thanks

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Do I understand correct that you do see the downlink being sent through the web-interface and the gw logs, but at the device side it is not received?


I have the same setup, the same problem. What I see in the logs of the chirpstack server that I have added enqueued a message.
chirpstack_1 | 2023-04-15T09:02:33.315327Z INFO gRPC{uri=/api.DeviceService/Enqueue}: chirpstack::storage::device_queue: Device queue-item enqueued id=748c62f3-1b0a-4e91-8931-30c0264b7179 dev_eui=0102030405060708

In the GUI it says: 748c62f3-1b0a-4e91-8931-30c0264b7179 pending: no confirmed: no FPort: 1 Data(Hex) 01

From my understanding the server waits for an uplink message from my device 0102030405060708 and that sends the enqueued data back, right?

Unfortunately I see nothing happens, neither any message in the logs of the server nor the gateway nor my device.

In events/loraframes I only see Uplink messages.

Have I done something wrong? How can I debug this?

Any advice is appreciated.

Best regards


I followed the youtube tutorial LoRa/LoRaWAN tutorial 25: Downlink Demonstration With The Things Network - YouTube for sending downlink messages. I am using the same MCCI LMIC Library, settings adopted for my device LoRa32 SX1276 OLEDv1.

The result is as follows:
Uplink is doing fine.

Downlink only works for the first time when the device is joining.
Output of my serial arduino console:
Packet queued
159744: EV_TXSTART
480786: EV_JOINED
netid: 0
devaddr: 30BD83
AppSKey: 00-68-2A-97-CC-52-2F-0E-7A-35-FE-09-FB-22-F1-82
NwkSKey: 19-50-CD-6E-81-C9-C1-AB-EB-65-DE-60-F6-96-8E-BC
480991: EV_TXSTART
551137: EV_TXCOMPLETE (includes waiting for RX windows)
Received 1 bytes of payload

865954: EV_TXSTART
1008490: EV_TXCOMPLETE (includes waiting for RX windows)
4758509: EV_TXSTART
Packet queued
4901686: EV_TXCOMPLETE (includes waiting for RX windows)
8651705: EV_TXSTART
Packet queued
8794881: EV_TXCOMPLETE (includes waiting for RX windows)
What is more the enqueued message stays in the queue and is not being flushed.

In the logs of chirpstack, I use docker (compose), I can trace the uuid of the enqueued downlink, it says
chirpstack_1 | 2023-04-22T09:58:11.660395Z INFO gRPC{uri=/api.DeviceService/Enqueue}: chirpstack::storage::device_queue: Device queue-item enqueued id=03f111e1-458f-4601-9899-8ca00e183cc5 dev_eui=552496d897c899b5
chirpstack_1 | 2023-04-22T09:58:33.469807Z INFO up{deduplication_id=57fb6cf1-6e94-440f-91ac-ac18eb148674}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::device_queue: Device queue-item updated id=03f111e1-458f-4601-9899-8ca00e183cc5 dev_eui=552496d897c899b5
chirpstack_1 | 2023-04-22T09:59:35.764081Z INFO up{deduplication_id=e771b25c-4360-43f0-9535-7a509a875d70}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::device_queue: Device queue-item updated id=03f111e1-458f-4601-9899-8ca00e183cc5 dev_eui=552496d897c899b5
chirpstack_1 | 2023-04-22T10:00:38.052245Z INFO up{deduplication_id=fcea29bc-016e-4bc3-b2c8-cb596f6d0248}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::device_queue: Device queue-item updated id=03f111e1-458f-4601-9899-8ca00e183cc5 dev_eui=552496d897c899b5
chirpstack_1 | 2023-04-22T10:01:40.343610Z INFO up{deduplication_id=4f41aecd-8118-45fe-8329-58222b6afba6}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::device_queue: Device queue-item updated id=03f111e1-458f-4601-9899-8ca00e183cc5 dev_eui=552496d897c899b5
chirpstack_1 | 2023-04-22T10:02:42.641445Z INFO up{deduplication_id=0c9ad839-7bd9-49de-bacc-4ba063a56ddb}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::device_queue: Device queue-item updated id=03f111e1-458f-4601-9899-8ca00e183cc5 dev_eui=552496d897c899b5
chirpstack_1 | 2023-04-22T10:03:18.734417Z INFO up{deduplication_id=31af4978-5b46-4154-8a77-9375a84b35ec}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::device_queue: Device queue-item updated id=03f111e1-458f-4601-9899-8ca00e183cc5 dev_eui=552496d897c899b5
chirpstack_1 | 2023-04-22T10:03:24.870557Z INFO up{deduplication_id=83fe4732-b41f-4729-9576-38afe88f9eaf}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::device_queue: Device queue-item updated id=03f111e1-458f-4601-9899-8ca00e183cc5 dev_eui=552496d897c899b5
chirpstack_1 | 2023-04-22T10:04:27.241991Z INFO up{deduplication_id=1c088c38-32be-4c3f-bcc6-5db33cab2adb}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::device_queue: Device queue-item updated id=03f111e1-458f-4601-9899-8ca00e183cc5 dev_eui=552496d897c899b5
chirpstack_1 | 2023-04-22T10:05:29.487506Z INFO up{deduplication_id=1fe20d60-5797-4f47-bcca-e039f6882d57}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::device_queue: Device queue-item updated id=03f111e1-458f-4601-9899-8ca00e183cc5 dev_eui=552496d897c899b5
chirpstack_1 | 2023-04-22T10:06:31.741027Z INFO up{deduplication_id=081f0af1-53ad-4cca-b742-78da05f0a8eb}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::device_queue: Device queue-item updated id=03f111e1-458f-4601-9899-8ca00e183cc5 dev_eui=552496d897c899b5
chirpstack_1 | 2023-04-22T10:07:34.117718Z INFO up{deduplication_id=c5b076b5-62d6-4f27-a70f-34daf19cad8f}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::device_queue: Device queue-item updated id=03f111e1-458f-4601-9899-8ca00e183cc5 dev_eui=552496d897c899b5
chirpstack_1 | 2023-04-22T10:08:36.325213Z INFO up{deduplication_id=98c42179-5bdb-43c6-80c8-1d433b66cac8}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::device_queue: Device queue-item updated id=03f111e1-458f-4601-9899-8ca00e183cc5 dev_eui=552496d897c899b5
chirpstack_1 | 2023-04-22T10:09:38.731807Z INFO up{deduplication_id=457179f8-8d5b-4908-802c-d89b48830f33}:data_up: chirpstack::storage::device_queue: Device queue-item updated id=03f111e1-458f-4601-9899-8ca00e183cc5
I see it once enqueued and then updated, the deduplication uuid is the correponding uplink uuid.

My question is: Is my arduino device with the library MCCI_LoRaWAN_LMIC_library outdated in terms of the protocol that should be used?
Or did I made a logical mistake in setting up my downlink queue?

Any advice is appreciated.

Best regards


Hi again,

I have integrated my setup ( gateway, application, device) into the “the things network”.
Everything is working properly, gateway, application uplink and also application device downlink.

Does anybody can help? Where can I start debugging?

Best regards
