Error every midnight: Connect comms goroutine - error triggered EOF

Hi, Chirpstack ran stable, when suddenly the following error occurred immediately after midnight with the result that the gateway has no connection afterwards. After a server reboot everything runs fine again until midnight. I would be grateful for any ideas.

00:00:14 chirpstack-gateway-bridge[588]: time="2022-01-16T00:00:14" level=info msg="integration/mqtt: publishing event" event=stats qos=0 stats_id=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx topic=gateway/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/event/stats
00:00:15 chirpstack-gateway-bridge[588]: time="2022-01-16T00:00:15" level=error msg="[client]   Connect comms goroutine - error triggered EOF" module=mqtt
00:00:15 chirpstack-gateway-bridge[588]: time="2022-01-16T00:00:15" level=error msg="mqtt: connection error" error=EOF
00:00:15 chirpstack-gateway-bridge[588]: time="2022-01-16T00:00:15" level=error msg="[client]   Connecting to tcp:// CONNACK was not CONN_ACCEPTED, but rather Connection Refused: Not Authorised" module=mqtt
00:00:16 chirpstack-gateway-bridge[588]: time="2022-01-16T00:00:16" level=error msg="[client]   Connecting to tcp:// CONNACK was not CONN_ACCEPTED, but rather Connection Refused: Not Authorised" module=mqtt

Your MQTT server (or a firewall between your GB and it) are closing the connection and refusing future connections.

Hi bconway, thanks for your reply. Is there any way I can prevent the connection from being closed by the MQTT server? Since I am new to Chirpstack, I would appreciate a hint where I can make appropriate settings for the default installation I am using.