Error: max value of Minor is 7


We are testing a new AU915_TTN region setting for Arduino MKR1300/1310 devices to use with 8-channel gateways.

The join is being done correctly but the Network Server is throwing the following error while processing the uplink frames.

Jan 30 18:24:43 ip-172-31-14-1 chirpstack-network-server[828]: time=“2021-01-30T18:24:43Z” level=error msg=“uplink: processing uplink frame error” ctx_id=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx error=“create uplink frame-log error: marshal phypayload error: lorawan: max value of Minor is 7”

Does anyone know what might be happening? It would help us a lot


Hi @tron,

I would say it is an error when building the uplink message, considering that you do the join correctly.

The error is about the PHY payload structure, so I would have a look at it first of all.

Hi @pulidoj,

Thank for the help. I remember that the message could be seen in chirpstack’s gateway live lorawan frame viewer so I’ll check if there’s something odd about it and ping you with the results.

Thanks for the help!