I installed chirpstack strictly according to the v4 documentation to a native ubuntu 23. I have HT-1303 concentrator module (USB). Packet forwarder prints info messages every now and then. Also chirpstack-gateway-bridge prints statuses and I can connect to chirpstack db in PostgreSQL. Redis and mqtt are not complaining, So this far all seem to be OK, but chirpstack does not start. I get
Error: Error occurred while creating a new object: error connecting to server: Connection refused (os error 111)
chirpstack[14435]: Caused by:
chirpstack[14435]: error connecting to server: Connection refused (os error 111)
Stopped chirpstack.service - ChirpStack open-source LoRaWAN Network Server.
I have not found any reason to that. It may have something to do with Network Server but what. Any way it has nothing to do with firewall, firewall is inactive now.
Who is trying to connect to which?
I have reinstalled chirpstack twice.
One problem in Linux is that the error messages are general.
I have chirpstack v3 running in an older machine, Debian 10, and that is working fine. Maybe I should try to install v3 also to ubuntu 23.
Any ideas where I could look for the solution.