Error occurred while creating a new object

I installed chirpstack strictly according to the v4 documentation to a native ubuntu 23. I have HT-1303 concentrator module (USB). Packet forwarder prints info messages every now and then. Also chirpstack-gateway-bridge prints statuses and I can connect to chirpstack db in PostgreSQL. Redis and mqtt are not complaining, So this far all seem to be OK, but chirpstack does not start. I get

Error: Error occurred while creating a new object: error connecting to server: Connection refused (os error 111)
chirpstack[14435]: Caused by:
chirpstack[14435]: error connecting to server: Connection refused (os error 111)
Stopped chirpstack.service - ChirpStack open-source LoRaWAN Network Server.

I have not found any reason to that. It may have something to do with Network Server but what. Any way it has nothing to do with firewall, firewall is inactive now.

Who is trying to connect to which?

I have reinstalled chirpstack twice.

One problem in Linux is that the error messages are general.

I have chirpstack v3 running in an older machine, Debian 10, and that is working fine. Maybe I should try to install v3 also to ubuntu 23.

Any ideas where I could look for the solution.

Chirpstack says it cannot connect to PostgreSQL, so I would start from there. Connection refused means that the remote computer exists, but isn’t accepting the connection.

Since you mentioned that you installed everything on Ubuntu directly, I assume that you installed everything from packages or untar’ed them. Did you configure PostgreSQL to accept connections from localhost, using the expected authentication method (whichever it might be, which you chose)?

Thank you sp193 for your reply.
I installed all according to chirpstack v4 documentation, so apt install … Host is everywhere localhost. I also made suggested changes. I installed after your post postgreSQL twice, but it did not help. I can connect to chirpstack database as chirpstack user.
If I check ubuntu version, I get 23 but when I install something, version 24 modules are loaded. Maybe that is a hidden upgrade from v 23.
I installed chirpstack v4 according to the v4 documentation to a ubuntu 22.04 and all work fine. In the documentation it is mentioned, that ubuntu 22.04 is recommended, maybe it is best to stick to that. My ubuntu 23 machine is pretty much native so it is not big task to install ubuntu 22.

If you are good with administrating a Linux server, I am sure you will be fine. The limit will be only when you are missing packages. Then it boils down to how willing you are to build from source.

Regarding PostgreSQL: have you tried to connect using the chirpstack user? With something like this:

psql -U chirpstack -h localhost

This is different from just logging in locally with the “ident” method.

I could log in with psql -U chirpstack -h localhost.

My ubuntu seemed to be somewhere between version 23 and 24, so I upgraded it to 24.

In the internet someone in another case told somebody to check all postgresql configuration files, so I checked, too. That had no effects immediately, but after rebooting all started to work.
Unfortunately I did not take any notes what I changed or did I change something, so nothing learned – again.

Now I have only a minor problem. Someone is sending with wrong frequency:

ERROR chirpstack::uplink: Deduplication error error=No channel found for frequency: 868000000, dr: 0

One problem is also that I have to boot the sensors before they send join request, maybe not all. I did shut down other chirpstack servers.

What comes to Linux, I have an attitude problem. All the commands are cryptic, hard to remember and understand. Just think: rename = mv = move (not rename), more is less (of cource) . Create a new file: tough, why not grab. All serial line connections start with tty. I used tty in the beginning of 70’s. It weighted some 20 kg and had among other things paper tape reader/write. E.g. in VMS if you wanted something new the command started create, -file, -device,… How about in linux.
When I searched solutions for my problems in internet, someone asked there how to start bonjour service (good day service), nice, obvious name for the service.

OK, Linux is progressing. Some days ago I started a program. It did no start but said, that a package is missing and I can download it here, nice.

Anyway there are in Linux nice programs for my hobbies so even if I do not like it, I have to get used to it. Now there are also good editors and debuggers, eclipse based.

Thank you sp193 for your help. I am happy now with my chirpstacks.