Hi there!
I got problems when I try to remove a device or any other data (user, profile, etc). I mean, testing the web application (lora app server) I create few devices and gateways (with random parameters) in order to know how the platform works. However, when I try to remove a device or any other data, I got the following error:
rpc error: code = Unknown desc = redis connection error: dial tcp -MYIP-:6379: connect: connection refused (code: 2)
Trying to remove a gateway or organization, I got the same error. I guess it should be something related to permissions, but actually I have been looking for hours without any clue about what it is…
The log (lora-app-server) shows the following:
mar 05 09:17:05 iotserver lora-app-server[10548]: time=“2019-03-05T09:17:05+01:00” level=error msg=“send gateway ping error: stor
e mic lookup error: set mic lookup error: redis connection error: dial tcp -myip-:6379: connect: connection refused”
And the log of loraserver shows the following:
r 05 09:17:34 iotserver loraserver[10679]: time=“2019-03-05T09:17:34+01:00” level=error msg=“gateway/mqtt: acquire uplink paylo
ad lock error” error=“redis connection error: dial tcp -myip-:6379: connect: connection refused”
Looks like a redis issue…but no idea about what it is…
Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance!
edit: kind a weird, because If i create a new user/organization, I can remove them…but cannot remove the already created them -_-