Error with certificate in HTTP integration

Hello, I need help with the http integration. I have a server written in dotnet using an selfsigned certificate, where i put a controller without https. Here below you can see the attempt of the application server to POST data to that controller (/api/loraevents)

time="2021-05-14T18:54:46Z" level=error msg="integration/http: publish event error" ctx_id=bd87d352-000e-401d-8943-c693c6420513 dev_eui=d5b2b04d9c2a7057 error="http request error: Post \"https://******/api/loraevents?event=status\": x509: certificate is valid for localhost, not *******" event_type=status url="http://*******/api/loraevents?event=status"

time="2021-05-14T18:54:46Z" level=error msg="integration/http: publish event error" ctx_id=d53100b5-ae39-4f68-a24f-aa1d5b81ddfb dev_eui=d5b2b04d9c2a7057 error="http request error: Post \"https://******/api/loraevents?event=up\": x509: certificate is valid for localhost, not *******" event_type=up url="http://********/api/loraevents?event=up"

Is there any way to force the POST even if the certificate is not valid?
Everything is in the same VM, built with Docker-Compose.
Thank you very much

Currently it is not possible to disable TLS certificate validation.