Errors in log: handle mac-command block error: expected pending mac-command


i can see this kind of error for many devices of the same model in network server logs:

**** chirpstack-network-server[21936]: time="" level=error msg=“handle mac-command block error: expected pending mac-command” cid=LinkADRReq ctx_id=3e6b145d-0578-4a24-9454-d7ac5ee79d15 dev_eui=****

May give me some hints about them?

Thanks, regards

This happens when a device sends an unexpected acknowledgement.

Normally the NS keeps an internal state of the last requested LinkADRReq mac-command and its parameters. When the device sends an ack, the NS then knows which parameters are acknowledged. In your case there was no state / pending mac-command.

Hello Brocaar,

many thanks for your help!