Explanation about exported metrics meaning


Is there any place where I could find the meaning of the metrics exposed to prometheus ? And more esoecially, what is the period of timle over which measurements are made ?

An example for that metric:

# HELP backend_mqtt_command_count The number of published commands by the MQTT backend (per command).
# TYPE backend_mqtt_command_count counter
backend_mqtt_command_count{command=“down”} 905

-> What are the “per command” ?
-> Over which period are measured the 905 ?

Many thanks

The values are counted since the start of the service and only increment.

Is there any place where I could find the meaning of the metrics exposed to prometheus

# HELP backend_mqtt_command_count The number of published commands by the MQTT backend (per command).


The different command payloads are documented here: Commands - ChirpStack open-source LoRaWAN<sup>®</sup> Network Server.