When I do a GetDeviceKeysRequest() I get the same result as GetDeviceRequest(). Is there somethin I mis or is the there something in the library pointing to wrong location? The library version is 4.6.0
Thnx for your tip to get the key. But I find it strange. It does not matter which existing function you call with the req as long I use the client.GetKeys(…) I get always the same output. Also not exactly as I expect but at least the info is there.
Here the appKey is placed in the variable nwk_key and the app_key are only zero’s
It looks like it is a mix from variable names in my first impression as networkSessoinKey and applicationSessionKey.
For now I can request my information, hope in the future the functions are more clearly and consistent.
To my knowledge the different request types are only objects holding the relevant information for that API call. Since Get() and GetKeys() both only take the devEUI the requests are in function the same thing.
As for the names being switched it says this in the API documentation: