I work for a small company and we want to setup a ChirpStack LoraWAN Network Server.
Our Gateway: Milesight UG65
Lora Device: Milesight Smart Button WS101-868M
We use a Debian server, so I followed the instructions here and installed everything, also the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge.
As next step I followed the instructions from Milesight to connect the UG65 gateway here
I used method 2, because I am using latest ChirpStack version 4.8.1
Until here everything works fine and the gateway is stated as Online in the ChirpStack WebGUI. But the first thing I notice is, that the Region ID is us915_1, but normally it should be eu868. Moving the marker in the location map to our location (Germany) doesn’t change anything.
So when I now want to add a device, which sends on frequency eu868 I get the following error in the console:
ERROR chirpstack::uplink: Deduplication error error=No channel found for frequency: 868500000, dr: 0
I searched here in the forum for this error and saw others have the same problem, but I didn’t really found a solution for it…
When I look in the WebGUI on the gateway - LoRaWAN frames tab it is indefinetly loading and I can see nothing. Same happens for the device tab - Events/LoRaWAN frames. It is just loading, but displays nothing.
Can someone please help me how I can fix those things? How can I change the frequency region of my gateway to eu868?
If you need more information, just ask and I try to provide them.
I am now after work and will check again tomorrow. Thanks for your help!