FUOTA Downlink message not work


I am facing an issue after adding FUOTA Support in my device. Device Firmware is based on Zephyr RTOS and Hardware RAK4631 Module.

My Setup details is below:

we have two gateways here: GTW-000606355243 and GTW-002056857488
GTW-000606355243 is a RAK7391 with a rasp pi compute module 4 with a seeed WM1302 LoRaWAN concentrator.
GTW-002056857488 is a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.5 with a RAK2287 LoRaWAN concentrator.
network server is running docker container chirpstack/chirpstack:4.3.1
fuota server is running docker container xxxxxx.azurecr.io/lorawan/chirpstack-fuota-server:latest which is based on the master branch of GitHub - chirpstack/chirpstack-fuota-server: FUOTA server which can be used together with ChirpStack Application Server.

Device classes:

  1. Class A
  2. Class C unicast & multicast

LoRaWAN versions:

  1. LoRaWAN 1.1.0

Regional parameter revisions:

  1. RP002-1.0.3

Currently I am Testing using ChirpStack Open Source in application side.
Step 1: Connected end device in OTAA mode first.


  1. IN865
    Step 2: Clock synchronisation done at port 202 successfully.
    Step 3: Received handleMulticastSetupReq at port 200 successfully.
    Step 4: Received handleFragmentationSetup at port 201 with FragmentationSession starting successfully.
    Step 5: Received handleMulticastClassCSessionReq at port 200 successfully.
    Step 6: device is Switched to Class C. But it not receiving fragements from lora server.
    Problem : Not receiving fragements from lora server.

2. US915
Problem: No downlink message due to this clock syncronization and Multicast setup is not work.

Both Reagion OTAA Joining and Uplink message work fine.

Let me know if any solution or performing any wrong step.

Himansu Donga

Hello Himansu!

You seem to be handling quite a complex project. It involves several things to take into consideration.
Just a comment is that in my network I have farely managed to do FUOTA with my sensors and gateways, but none of them are from same vendors…

Just to try start debugging the issue:

  1. Check Network Server Compatibility: Ensure that your ChirpStack network server is compatible with FUOTA and that you have the correct version installed. Refer to the ChirpStack documentation and release notes to confirm the compatibility and requirements for FUOTA.

  2. Test with Different Gateways: If possible, try testing with different gateways to see if the issue is specific to a particular gateway. This can help determine if the problem lies in the gateway configuration or the network server.

  3. Review Regional Parameters: Check that the regional parameters for your specific region and LoRaWAN version are correctly set. Ensure that the RP002-1.0.3 parameters match the requirements of your region.

I think this three steps have a big chance of solving the problems you are facing,
they should be approached very carefully though.

Good luck!

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