Gateway bridge only forwards stats messages to mqtt server


I have installed the Lora Gateway Bridge on the server. Unfortunately the gateway bridge only transmits the stats messages from the gateway are recorgnized by the gateway bridge. But when I look at the output of the 1700 port, there are more messages/input. The gateway bridge should be configured correctly, as the stats messages are transmitted correctly. Also the davice should work correctly, as the TTN gateway could transmitts the messages correctly to TTN (after changing the keys and the device adress acordingly).

output port 1700:
10:25:02.210677 IP daniel-VirtualBox.1700 > UDP, length 4
E… …@.@…l…g…L…A…b.
10:25:07.409967 IP > daniel-VirtualBox.1700: UDP, length 12
10:25:07.410285 IP daniel-VirtualBox.1700 > UDP, length 4
E… .e@.@…C…l…g…L…A.#…

the ip is the correct ip of the gateway

output gateway bridge:
Jun 22 10:22:20 daniel-VirtualBox chirpstack-gateway-bridge[6059]: time=“2020-06-22T10:22:20+02:00” level=info msg=“integration/mqtt: publishing event” event=stats qos=0 stats_id=512737cc-bc5a-45f8-8e93-910e9ad8bda2 topic=gateway/a840411d8b90ffff/event/stats

any idea what could be wrong?
