Gateway errors after Chirpstack server crash

Yesterday our server provider had a breakdown and couldn’t get our Chirpstack-server restarted normally. So they reverted it to a snapshot from the day before. That seems to have initiated a whole lot of problems.

But one thing at a time, so in this thread the issue is errors that we are now seeing for the first time on our Mikrotik KNOT gateways. (see screenshot)

Having looked elsewhere, this might be the closest I’ve come to something similar:

So the question is, what can we do about it? Everything seems to be running normally on our server, and uplinks are working like the should. It seems the problem is with downlinks.

We use a VPN server, but the server provider tells us that everything is in order there.

Uplink and downlink ports are set to 1700.

Edit: Frequenzy band 868 MHz (Europe)


Just to understand the issue a bit better…

1700 is the port that MQTT uses, on another layer. LoRaWAN uses ports 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. (for uplink).

Downlinks (depending on the frequency band you are using, and that you did not mention BTW) happens in channels 8-64 of the gateway.

Maybe this help, and hope it does.


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I found that this can happen if you have more than one interface on the KNOT enabled and in the same subnet.