Gateway MAC 0000000000000000 / Multitech

Hello community,

I’m using loraserver for a while without a problem. I have multitech gateways and till today I had firmware 1.4.16 installed on them.

Today I upgraded my gateways to 1.6.2 and installed a new virtual machine as my Lora Server stack (latest versions). Lora Bridge is installed on each gateway (latest version too).

My problem is that I couldn’t see any frame on the server or last activity from my gateways and I thought that it is related to the new installation, but after some hours of troubleshooting I think that there is a problem.

Take a look at my server’s logs

Oct 25 14:13:21 ip-172 mosquitto: 1540476801: Received PUBLISH from local.cid_aws_lora_server (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'gateway/0000000000000000/rx', ... (305 bytes))

Oct 25 14:13:21 ip-172 mosquitto: 1540476801: Sending PUBLISH to loraserver (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'gateway/0000000000000000/rx', ... (305 bytes))

Oct 25 14:13:21 ip-172 loraserver: time="2018-10-25T14:13:21Z" level=info msg="gateway/mqtt: uplink frame received"

Oct 25 14:13:21 ip-172 mosquitto: 1540476801: Received PUBLISH from local.cid_aws_lora_server (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'gateway/0000000000000000/rx', ... (305 bytes))

Oct 25 14:13:21 ip-172 mosquitto: 1540476801: Sending PUBLISH to loraserver (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'gateway/0000000000000000/rx', ... (305 bytes))

Oct 25 14:13:21 ip-172 loraserver: time="2018-10-25T14:13:21Z" level=info msg="gateway/mqtt: uplink frame received"

Oct 25 14:13:21 ip-172 loraserver: time="2018-10-25T14:13:21Z" level=error msg="processing uplink frame error" data_base64="QNUeASaAHQABEyx8iK5RhUsFgw==" error="get device-session error: device-session does not exist or invalid fcnt or mic"

Except that the end device is not registered on my stack, (that’s the reason of the last message), I see a gateway mac of 0000000000000000 and I think that’s the problem.

I tried to subscribe to gateways mosquitto broker and the topic is still 0000000000000000. When I downgrade to multitech 1.4.16 the topic changes to something else.

So I think this is an issue with the bridge installed on multitech 1.6.2, or I’m missing something else?

thanks !

Problem solved, it was related to the multitech gateway.

By default my gateway comes with LoRa Mode disabled.

Hitting the API curl -k -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json"
will return a “gwID” : “0000000000000000”.

I was trying to enable the LoRa Mode using the API

curl -k -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "lora": {"packetForwarderMode": true, "enabled": true }, "packetForwarder": { "serverAddress": "", "upstreamPort": 1700, "downstreamPort": 1700, "channelPlan": "EU868" } }'

This command works but leaves the configuration with "gwID" : "0000000000000000".

If I try to enable the LoRa Mode through the GUI interface, the gwID is auto populated, so there is no problem.