Gateway NEVER SEEN at Chirpstack GUI

I have successfully installed all packages needed for Chirpstack server on my Ubuntu pc.
Also installed Chirpstack-gateway-bridge on gateway (which is Dragino LG308).

Once I use docker-compose I’m able to enter chirpstack GUI (on http://localhost:8080).

The problems turns out once I try to add my Dragino Gateway to chirpstack…

I have created all profiles needed and put my Gateway ID correctly. However, I can’t check my gateway is correctly connected due to the fact that it says: “Last seen at: Never” on Chirpstack GUI.

Any idea what could be wrong?

Thanks very much in advance


have you found the solution? i am also facing the same issue.

Have you found the solution? i am also facing the same issue.

For a gateway to be “seen” in the UI, it needs to be sending a stats payload on some interval, even if it is correctly passing device data. If your gateway is never sending such a payload, or the expected interval (configurable in the UI) is too high, it will show up as either not seen or mostly offline.

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I am having the same issue and looking to fix it. I have successfully setup the ChirpStack (4) as per the Chirpstack’s latest updated documentation for the same, but when added the gateway it still keep showing Never Seen, while the same gateway shows Online with other LoRaWAN network server without any issue.

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My gateway sends the state data to “[prefix]/gateway/[gateway-eui]/state” but there’s no configuration option in Chirpstack where I can set it to read that value.

That’s different than the Stats payload. Look in your gateways documentation for configuration of Stats payloads.