I’m trying to build a ChirpStack gateway on a RAK2287 connected to a raspberry pi. The Gateway runs on the rak_for_common_gateway. I am lost though when it comes to connecting it to my Network Server. I’ve already obtained my gateway ID by setting up my RAK gateway channel plan but when I enter the gateway ID into the Application Server it does not see it. I’m not sure exactly where to go from here. Can someone give me some trouble shooting routes? This is the first time I’ve ever done anything related to networking.
For a first time doing anything related to networking you may be in a bit deep; helping you here may just open a can of worms. This kind of setup is well documented.
That said, if you have an EC2 instance running Chirpstack v4 (and the firewall configured properly–hence my previous comment), then you should grab the Public IPv4 DNS from your AWS console, and paste that in your Chirpstack gateway’s UDP Forwarder ‘server’ box and append the correct port (i.e. 1700 default). i.e. “ec2-15-160--.eu-south-1.compute.amazonaws.com:1700”
Its also necessary to open the ports on your EC2 instance to allow communication between Chirpstack and your gateways. This will be different depending on your architecture, if you are using UDP packet forwarder on gateway then you should open port 1700/udp on your instance, if you have installed the GW bridge / MQTT forwarder on your gateway then open port 1883/tcp instead. Look up a guide on how to open ports on AWS instances, as I recall its relatively straight forward.
I’m having trouble accessing ChirpStack from the Gateway side. Would it be possible to set up the ChirpStack Gateway Web interface using the rak_common_for_gateway
development package?
When I installed the base ChirpStack Gateway OS from this guide, it seemed to automatically create one, but I got stuck when configuring WiFi. After connecting to the gateway over WiFi, I access the ChirpStack Gateway Web interface at, following the steps outlined in the tutorial (see screenshot below).
However, by the end of the setup, I get disconnected from the gateway, and I’m unable to reconnect to the web interface on my own network. When I go to it just takes me to my internet providers website. How am I supposed to get the new IP address? I’ve tried scanning for my gateway IP address using fing but it doesnt seem to show up as a device.
Thanks but I have already opened ports for both.
This depends greatly on your network.
All routers should come with an app or web interface you can configure settings from, in most cases this is also where you can access local IPs. When you go to does it bring you to a page for your local network? Or just the ISPs home page?
Alternatively do you have a monitored switch the gateway is plugged in to? For example I have a Ubiquiti switch that easily lets me see the IP of connected devices.
There should be some way to connect to your router or switch and get a list of hardware to IPs.
You’ll likely will also want to delete the DHCP server that comes enabled on the PI in the DHCP and DNS section.
Yes, when I go to it takes me to my local network but I’m not seeing anything that looks like my gateway. Is there a default name for the device?
Also whenever I save and apply the WiFi configuration settings I get this message:
Which makes me think the device wasn’t able to connect to my network.
That warning makes sense, it’s saying that you cannot connect to the device, not that the device cannot connect to the network (although that potentially could still be an issue). Since the device is now connecting to your local network, instead of you connecting to the PIs wifi network, it becomes unreachable through it’s wifi at that IP and throws the error.
The default name should be “chirpstack-xxxxxx” where the xxxx’s are just random letters and numbers.
Does your local interface let you search by MAC address? That would be an easy way to find it.
I searched by the MAC address and it does not seem to show up on the DHCP Reservations tab. Here are the configurations I put:
Here I put the name if the new network as the same name as my network. I think that might be an issue. Then for the WPA I just put my WiFi password
In this section I didnt change anything but the ESSID is the same as the SSID for my home network.
I’ve finally figured it out! In the os I needed to add a file called wpa_supplicant.conf int the etc folder and add my network configurations like this:
Then I needed to run this command:
This should configure the wifi however if that doesnt work maybe try replacing phy0-sta0 with 0wlan.
This command only works once though. if you restart your gateway youll have to run it again so I made a script that will run it automatically on boot:
first go to /etc/init.d and create a wpa_supplicant file and edit it to have this:
Then save the file and make it executable using the command:
Then enable the script to run on startup with this command: